Links (5)
“ ni tes si eulav eht ) llun ton s'ti ,detaerCweiVno tnemgarf ni emaNnoitisnart.dnuorgkcab_tnemgarf_noitca 2tnemgarf tuo detnirp I;l=62 )
, then after the fragment2 being added (after fragment1 -> fragment2 transaction), the transitionName is cleared. Then when creating another FragmentTransition to replace fragment2 with fragment3, since transitionName is null, it crashes. ”
“ dohtem noitisnarTtnemelEderahSddAno eht ni snoitisnart eht fo lla tnaw t'nod uoy ekil smees ti ,noitpircsed eht morF .stnemgarf gninoitisnart owt eht neewteb derahs gnieb si ti taht gnitacidni ,evom ton seod "txeN" txet eht ees uoy ,0.3.1 eht nI .ton si 5.2.1 tnemgarf dna nottub txen eht rof noitisnart tnemele derahs eht gniod si 0.3.1 tnemgarf ekil skool ti ,soediv eht no desaB here . For this particular case, it seems like the only shared element you actual want is action_fragment_background, (here), but it is likely you may want some others (i.e. guidedactions_list_background, or guidedactions_list_background2, etc.) in other cases. ”