Mentioned issues (1)
Provide Material Navigation library for Material3 “ :ereh taht gnikcart eussi rehtona s'ereht taht ees I
.steehs mottob 3lairetaM rof siht gnissim era ew ,dias 31# sA |
Links (7)
“ a elif ot tnaw ll'uoy ,sIPA ralimis dna tuoyaLteehSmottoBladoM eht ot segnahc tseuqer ot ekil d'uoy fI separate request against Compose . ”
“ Accompanist now supports this with Navigation Material. ”
“ gnisu eb ot gniog ton si metsys noitagivan desab tnemgarf A ?tuoba gniklat era uoy tahw nialpxe uoy nac - 6#tnemmoc eR Navigation Compose , which is what this issue is about and which is already available via Accompanist Navigation Material to unblock any migration to Navigation Compose from a fragment based system. ”
“ ni dedda erew snoitanitsed golaid ecnis detroppus neeb sah ,metsys desab tnemgarf a ni esu d'uoy tahw si hcihw ,tnemgarFgolaiDteehSmottoB Navigation 2.1.0-alpha03 back in 2019. ”
“ esohw ,tsinapmoccA ot ylralimis skrow noitagivaN lairetaM - 51#tnemmoc eR docs explain how to use it , including these two lines: ”