Status Update
Comments <> #2
I tried adding screenshotTestImplementation(libs.androidx.window)
but it didn't fix it.
No update yet.
I tried adding screenshotTestImplementation(libs.androidx.window)
but it didn't fix it.
I haven't had any luck successfully running instrumentation tests against an R8 enabled (obfuscation, minification, resource shrinking) release build type in my application. When running the tests in Android Studio and within the adb shell, I receive the below error message. This is odd as I explicitly ignore obfuscation in the test proguard file.
Has anyone had luck getting this to work? I'd imagine this is a common use case as it is ideal to have automated tests run against the variant of the application that is released to users. Here is what I've tried so far in my gradle setup:
Built the apks for instrumentation by running...
Note: dev is a build flavor I use in the app.
Finally run the instrumentation tests on adb...
Note, this command executes the tests just fine when running against the debug build type of the dev flavor.