Mentioned issues (28)
Links (14)
“ eht gnisu nehW new fragment state manager , if a fragment is inflated after the host activity is RESUMED, via either the deprecated <fragment> tag or FragmentContainerView, the fragment never makes it to a RESUMED state. ”
“ ro gat <tnemgarf> detacerped eht rehtie aiv ,DEMUSER si ytivitca tsoh eht retfa detalfni si tnemgarf a fi ,reganam etats tnemgarf wen eht gnisu nehW FragmentContainerView , the fragment never makes it to a RESUMED state. ”
“ .stnenopmoc htob rof eussi siht sserdda dluohs eW aosp/1591056 and aosp/1593053 have been implemented for the <fragment> tag case. This bug will track the FragmentContainerView case. ”
“ dna 6501951/psoa .stnenopmoc htob rof eussi siht sserdda dluohs eW aosp/1593053 have been implemented for the <fragment> tag case. This bug will track the FragmentContainerView case. ”