Status Update
Comments <> #2
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit c60f33e229e31ab328ef6b59dab63b264954831c
Author: Alexandre Elias <>
Date: Fri Jul 10 16:23:09 2020
Semantics no-op cleanups
Partly in response to lmr's broad code review, I did a pass of
superficial API/implementation cleanup. The main changes are:
- I changed each Boolean SemanticsProperty where false is equivalent to
not being present to take "Unit" instead. This is conceptually
clearer: it avoids questions like "can I cancel out a semantics from a
merged child by setting it to false?" Because "property = Unit" looks
weird, I also changed the style of these to "property()".
- I moved the Semantics id generator closer to where it's used, in
SemanticsModifierCore. I made it internal and an AtomicInt.
(Note that integer ids are heavily used in the Android
AccessibilityNodeInfo APIs so I can't simply remove them entirely.)
- I deleted dead code. Some examples include SemanticsHintOverrides,
a public API not connected to anything, and SemanticsPropertyKey
merge() open method which is never called. (In both cases I have
a different plan in mind for accessibility.)
Fixes: 145951226
Fixes: 145955412
Test: existing tests
Relnote: "Single-value semantics properties now use a calling style.
For example, 'semantics { hidden = true }' is now written as:
'semantics { hidden() }'."
Change-Id: Ic1afd12ea22c926babc9662f1804d80b33aa0cfc
M ui/integration-tests/benchmark/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/benchmark/test/LayoutNodeModifierBenchmark.kt
M ui/ui-core/api/0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/current.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/public_plus_experimental_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/restricted_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-core/api/restricted_current.txt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/ui/graphics/vector/VectorTest.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidAndroidTest/kotlin/androidx/ui/semantics/SemanticsTests.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/AndroidActuals.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/AndroidComposeView.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/AndroidComposeViewAccessibilityDelegateCompat.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/androidMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/AndroidPopup.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/Expect.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsConfiguration.kt
D ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsHintOverrides.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsModifier.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsNode.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsOwner.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/core/semantics/SemanticsWrapper.kt
M ui/ui-core/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/semantics/SemanticsProperties.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/current.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/public_plus_experimental_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/restricted_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/api/restricted_current.txt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/Clickable.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/Dialog.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/Scroller.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/selection/Selectable.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/selection/Toggleable.kt
M ui/ui-foundation/src/main/java/androidx/ui/foundation/semantics/FoundationSemanticsProperties.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/ButtonTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/CardTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/CheckboxScreenshotTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/RadioButtonScreenshotTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/ScaffoldTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/SnackbarTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/SurfaceTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/ripple/RippleIndicationTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/material/textfield/TextFieldScreenshotTest.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/main/java/androidx/ui/material/AppBar.kt
M ui/ui-material/src/main/java/androidx/ui/material/TextFieldImpl.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/AssertsTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/CallSemanticsActionTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/ErrorMessagesTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/FindersTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/PrintToStringTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/ScrollToTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/androidTest/java/androidx/ui/test/TextActionsTest.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/main/java/androidx/ui/test/Actions.kt
M ui/ui-test/src/main/java/androidx/ui/test/Filters.kt
M ui/ui-text/api/0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/current.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/public_plus_experimental_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/restricted_0.1.0-dev15.txt
M ui/ui-text/api/restricted_current.txt
M ui/ui-text/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/text/CoreTextField.kt
M ui/ui-text/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/ui/text/TextSemanticsProperties.kt <> #3
Thank you for going into depth on your thought processes. I think awaitLongPressOrCancellation
would be a useful building block to open up.
Copying awaitLongPressOrCancellation
and it's private/internal dependencies to my project led to me copying about 40 lines of code (excluding comments/blank). (In comparison, if forEachGesture
was private, I would have had to copy about 20 lines to use it.)
If I hadn't seen awaitLongPressOrCancellation
's implementation while reading the source code of another function I suspect I would have incorrectly assumed I could solve the problem with a simpler approach, and had to figure out some bugs (such as around pointer events out of bounds).
Here's what I copied into my project:
// Copied from Compose
private suspend fun PointerInputScope.awaitLongPressOrCancellation(
initialDown: PointerInputChange
): PointerInputChange? {
var longPress: PointerInputChange? = null
var currentDown = initialDown
val longPressTimeout = viewConfiguration.longPressTimeoutMillis
return try {
// wait for first tap up or long press
withTimeout(longPressTimeout) {
awaitPointerEventScope {
var finished = false
while (!finished) {
val event = awaitPointerEvent(PointerEventPass.Main)
if (event.changes.fastAll { it.changedToUpIgnoreConsumed() }) {
// All pointers are up
finished = true
if (
event.changes.fastAny { it.consumed.downChange || it.isOutOfBounds(size) }
) {
finished = true // Canceled
// Check for cancel by position consumption. We can look on the Final pass of
// the existing pointer event because it comes after the Main pass we checked
// above.
val consumeCheck = awaitPointerEvent(PointerEventPass.Final)
if (consumeCheck.changes.fastAny { it.positionChangeConsumed() }) {
finished = true
if (!event.isPointerUp( {
longPress = event.changes.firstOrNull { == }
} else {
val newPressed = event.changes.fastFirstOrNull { it.pressed }
if (newPressed != null) {
currentDown = newPressed
longPress = currentDown
} else {
// should technically never happen as we checked it above
finished = true
} catch (_: TimeoutCancellationException) {
longPress ?: initialDown
// Copied from Compose
private fun PointerEvent.isPointerUp(pointerId: PointerId): Boolean =
changes.firstOrNull { == pointerId }?.pressed != true <> #4
Filed awaitLongPressOrCancellation
separately, thanks! <> #5
Branch: androidx-main
commit 4192f52e326cf6e81e6e30202ff00496743b6af1
Author: Jeremy Walker <>
Date: Wed Aug 10 15:18:18 2022
Exposing long press await fun as building block for gesture detection.
Bug: 181577176
Test: Manually tested.
Relnote: "Exposed `AwaitPointerEventScope#awaitLongPressOrCancellation` as additional building block for more complex gesture detection"
Change-Id: I04374246211122f86e1235a82a98fa4484381e69
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/restricted_current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/gestures/DragGestureDetector.kt <> #6
is now public per
I had code that required detecting a number of different gestures that were possible only in certain states. I started off using the gesture detecting functions and global variables like so:
I eventually traced a number of bugs down to updating the state non-atomically, so I was planning to add a mutex. That reminded me of how coroutines can often be used to solve concurrency issues, and I came up with
I defined a bunch of my own functions on
, and the approach solved my concurrency issues in a relatively clean way.The problem is that most of the framework detectors block forever, so they can't be combined. I ended up copying a framework function, editing it to remove the line
forEachGesture {
, and copying over all their private/internal dependencies.I'm suggesting that framework gesture detector functions should (when it makes sense) delegate to another public function that detects only one gesture.
I'm also suggesting that more of the private helpers you use in gesture detection be made public, such as
, to enable users to write code that combines small suspending functions to detect complex gestures as cleanly as the framework.