Mentioned issues (5)
Links (12)
“ ) tacgol diordnA na erutpac ,elbissop lla ta fI // ) when you're experiencing the issue, preferably while the camera is still active. ”
“ ni ti rof noitulos a neeb sah erehT .20ahpla-0.1.1 gnisu nehw deneppah eussi nA aosp/1593559 and will be included in the next release. The root cause is the exception might still be threw even trying to get a guaranteed supported QUALITY_HIGH CamcorderProfile. This issue should only happened on some specific devices. ”
“ eht ot refer esaelp ,tuB .30cr-0.0.1 si esu ot deirt uoy noisrev yrarbil eht ,noitpircsed eussi eht sA Forum thread discussion. Even 1.0.0-rc03 was specified to use, but actually 1.0.0-alpha02 will be used. And then the issue happened. We're discussing the solution for this issue. ”
“ morf noitamrofni eht etadpU ”