Mentioned issues (1)
Support Safe Args in Navigation Compose “ eht rats ot tnaw ll'uoy ,edoc efas epyt ralimis etareneg flesti noitagivaN gniees ni detseretni er'uoy fI |
Links (19)
“ eht nO Navigating with Compose guide , it talks about how arguments are passed as part of the route URI. However, it does not document the best practices for working with complex arguments such as Parcelable classes. ”
“ taht ekil gnihtemos esoporp ot ekil d'I ,yaw emas siht nI ”
“ :siht gniod si wolfrevO kcatS ,yaw eht yB ”
“ esu - detroppus ylniatrec si htap elif a gnissap - 01#tnemmoc eR Uri.encode - Navigation will automatically decode when building your arguments. ”
“ a tahw yltcaxe si wolf neercs-itlum a - 11#tnemmoc eR navigation graph scoped ViewModel can be used for. ”
“ fo sA Lifecycle ViewModel Compose 1.0.0-alpha07 , viewModel() allows you to set exactly what ViewModelStoreOwner you want to scope the ViewModel to, thus allowing you to use the NavBackStackEntry associated with a nested graph that contains the destinations you want to scope your ViewModel to: ”