Status Update
Comments <> #2
Thanks for bringing this to our notice! A feature request for the same has been forwarded to the App Engine Product Engineering Team so that they may evaluate it. However, please note that there is no ETA or guarantee of implementation for this. Rest assured, we’ll keep you updated on every update we receive from the team. All communication regarding this feature request is to be done here. <> #3
Hey there, I noticed that Go 1.20 runtime is suffering the same fate here. I'd be happy to submit a patch to remove ffmpeg from the documented system packages if this is not a priority to fix :) <> #4
I have reproduced your issue and indeed it gives the following error [1].
- ImageMagick Package disables to read and write PDF files however adding manually the following line should allow to read PDF file.
<policy domain="module" rights="read|write" pattern="{PS,PDF,XPS}" />
- However after adding that line, still it gives the same error.
- Due to security implications, the conversion to PDF is disabled in ImageMagick convert. It does not work even though we overwrite the default policy.yaml which comes with ImageMagick.
- According to the
, the imagemagick has been added however it is giving errors, so I will forward this request to the App Engine engineering team so that they may investigate it, but there is no ETA for a resolution at this time. Future updates regarding this issue will be provided here.App Engine Standard Documentation
Best Regards,
[1] Wand PolicyError: not authorized `dummy.pdf' @ error/constitute.c/ReadImage/412 <> #5
Dear Nibrass and Google team,
Would you be so kind as to provide some update on this issue from the App Engine team?
Thanks in advance,
Benoît <> #6
Hello, Benoît,
The engineering team is still working in this issue, there's no estimated ETA for now.
The engineering team is still working in this issue, there's no estimated ETA for now.
Ubuntu Package name. imagemagick (PDF ability)
Use case. Be able to manipulate a PDF (e.g. generating a thumbnail)
According to this conversation , imagemagick security policy has been updated, due to Ghostscript security issues, to refuse PDF editing by default. Now with Ghostscript 9.24+, it seems reasonable to re-enable it.
To do so, the update imagemagick's setup (/etc/ImageMagick*/policy.xml) to add below line:
Thanks for considering this request.