Status Update
Comments <> #2
> The Transition Kotlin extensions target the Framework Transition class which is a bit confusing
All extensions in 'core-ktx' target either 'core' or the framework types. This is working as expected. It sounds like this is a feature request for a transition-ktx with equivalent extensions for the androidx.transition types.
> as most framework classes are being deprecated in favor of their AndroidX counterparts, Fragments for example.
"Most"? This *dramatically* overstates what is actually happening. Fragments (and loaders) were added to the framework in a time where the Android team did not have external libraries for shipping features. Transition was added 5 years later.
All extensions in 'core-ktx' target either 'core' or the framework types. This is working as expected. It sounds like this is a feature request for a transition-ktx with equivalent extensions for the androidx.transition types.
> as most framework classes are being deprecated in favor of their AndroidX counterparts, Fragments for example.
"Most"? This *dramatically* overstates what is actually happening. Fragments (and loaders) were added to the framework in a time where the Android team did not have external libraries for shipping features. Transition was added 5 years later. <> #3
Pardon my misunderstanding, I was under the belief that where possible, new features that could be developed outside the framework, would be under Androidx. Also it's a common refrain to use the Androidx libraries over the framework libraries where possible, as those ship update independently of platform releases. I wasn't attempting to be dramatic.
If the Transition api is unlikely to change, there is no need for a transition-ktx for androidx.transition types. If developers should use Androidx transitions over framework transitions where possible however, then it would be much appreciated.
I am well aware of the limitations that existed when Fragments and Loaders were created, and when the Transition api was introduced.
If the Transition api is unlikely to change, there is no need for a transition-ktx for androidx.transition types. If developers should use Androidx transitions over framework transitions where possible however, then it would be much appreciated.
I am well aware of the limitations that existed when Fragments and Loaders were created, and when the Transition api was introduced. <> #4
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit ae42e311ecfbac18cedc90e489d1fdde956a4557
Author: Jake Wharton <>
Date: Fri Nov 22 11:13:30 2019
Introduce transition-ktx for standalone transition library
These extensions are the same as androidx.core.transition for the platform types, just adapted to the standalone library.
Bug: 138870873
Test: gw :transition:transition-ktx:build :transition:transition-ktx:connectedCheck
Change-Id: Ie80022cc60ed1f482b7593db5ef1ac1c5ea33d8d
M buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/androidx/build/PublishDocsRules.kt
M jetifier/jetifier/migration.config
M settings.gradle
A transition/transition-ktx/OWNERS
A transition/transition-ktx/api/1.4.0-alpha01.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/api/current.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/api/public_plus_experimental_1.4.0-alpha01.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/api/res-1.4.0-alpha01.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/api/restricted_1.4.0-alpha01.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/api/restricted_current.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/build.gradle
A transition/transition-ktx/src/androidTest/AndroidManifest.xml
A transition/transition-ktx/src/androidTest/java/androidx/transition/TestActivity.kt
A transition/transition-ktx/src/androidTest/java/androidx/transition/TransitionTest.kt
A transition/transition-ktx/src/androidTest/res/layout/test_activity.xml
A transition/transition-ktx/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
A transition/transition-ktx/src/main/java/androidx/transition/Transition.kt
Branch: androidx-master-dev
commit ae42e311ecfbac18cedc90e489d1fdde956a4557
Author: Jake Wharton <>
Date: Fri Nov 22 11:13:30 2019
Introduce transition-ktx for standalone transition library
These extensions are the same as androidx.core.transition for the platform types, just adapted to the standalone library.
Bug: 138870873
Test: gw :transition:transition-ktx:build :transition:transition-ktx:connectedCheck
Change-Id: Ie80022cc60ed1f482b7593db5ef1ac1c5ea33d8d
M buildSrc/src/main/kotlin/androidx/build/PublishDocsRules.kt
M jetifier/jetifier/migration.config
M settings.gradle
A transition/transition-ktx/OWNERS
A transition/transition-ktx/api/1.4.0-alpha01.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/api/current.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/api/public_plus_experimental_1.4.0-alpha01.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/api/res-1.4.0-alpha01.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/api/restricted_1.4.0-alpha01.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/api/restricted_current.txt
A transition/transition-ktx/build.gradle
A transition/transition-ktx/src/androidTest/AndroidManifest.xml
A transition/transition-ktx/src/androidTest/java/androidx/transition/TestActivity.kt
A transition/transition-ktx/src/androidTest/java/androidx/transition/TransitionTest.kt
A transition/transition-ktx/src/androidTest/res/layout/test_activity.xml
A transition/transition-ktx/src/main/AndroidManifest.xml
A transition/transition-ktx/src/main/java/androidx/transition/Transition.kt <> #5
I still don't know what's causing the issue, but I found something interesting. There's a new FrameLayout added to the container at the end of the click listener. I don't know what it's for, but the issue does not reproduce if I comment out the line.
container.addView(FrameLayout(this)) <> #6
Without that does the container actually transition at all? <> #7
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit 20516279db6bf59ecbee0ea05347f2d707fadd19
Author: Yuichi Araki <>
Date: Fri Apr 02 17:07:37 2021
Fix issue with multiple scene roots interfering each other
Use mCurrentAnimators instead of sRunningAnimators for pause and resume.
Using sRunningAnimators caused pause and resume to collect all the running animators from other
Transitions too.
Test: MultipleRootsTest
Bug: 182845041
Change-Id: I9a08a6181e0ae01303db5e2bcf188cfbdb0f7d65
A transition/transition/src/androidTest/java/androidx/transition/
A transition/transition/src/androidTest/res/layout/multiple_roots.xml
M transition/transition/src/main/java/androidx/transition/
Branch: androidx-main
commit 20516279db6bf59ecbee0ea05347f2d707fadd19
Author: Yuichi Araki <>
Date: Fri Apr 02 17:07:37 2021
Fix issue with multiple scene roots interfering each other
Use mCurrentAnimators instead of sRunningAnimators for pause and resume.
Using sRunningAnimators caused pause and resume to collect all the running animators from other
Transitions too.
Test: MultipleRootsTest
Bug: 182845041
Change-Id: I9a08a6181e0ae01303db5e2bcf188cfbdb0f7d65
A transition/transition/src/androidTest/java/androidx/transition/
A transition/transition/src/androidTest/res/layout/multiple_roots.xml
M transition/transition/src/main/java/androidx/transition/
Component used: androidx.transition
Version used: 1.4.0
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: all
If you do transitions on two sibling ViewGroups, A and B. A starts a transition on its root view, then B starts a transition. Inside of A's onTransitionEnd call back, if you start another transition on ViewGroup A, it will pause the Animators on the transition of ViewGroup B, which means the transition on B never ends.
Since two transitions with different sceneRoots should not interfere with one another, the expectation is that the transition on ViewGroup B does not get paused when by anything happening in ViewGroup A.
Not sure if this helps, but when starting another transition on ViewGroup A, the here which returns the animator associated with ViewGroup B.
makes a call togetRunningAnimators()
In the attached sample you can see that the transition run on the
view group never ends.