Status Update
Comments <> #2 <> #3
We are reviewing your request and need to verify it is from the organization which owns this address block. I have reached out to the owner of the address block,
Alternatively, if you can reply or send me an email from
Thanks! <> #4
We have already answered the email with the mail
Thank you for contacting us.
Let's continue the process from the other email account.
Regards <> #5
Yes, I heard back from
We've moved forward with this request and the changes (increasing client QPS to 5,000) will roll out next week. <> #6
Dear Google team.
Thank you very much for the update.
We will keep an eye on the increase over the next week to monitor our monitoring graphs.
Regards. <> #7
I confirm what you're seeing, requesting an A record always returns an answer for me, while specifically requesting the CNAME intermittently returns no answer.
We don't have a direct customer-facing use case for the CNAME query, no. It was raised because we have a CI job that validates that all our DNS records are published and distributed correctly, which started failing on (mostly) just these two records last week. We will look at potentially rewriting these tests to fall back to checking the A record. Our end users are unlikely to be affected by this problem, given that web browsers will not be looking up the CNAME specifically but the A record directly (confirmed with a packet capture).
Given that it no longer appears to be customer impacting, it's a lower priority for us now. We'll focus on more accurate tests (though it'd be interesting to understand the cause of the CNAME resolution issue).
Thanks for your time!
We have recently seen inconsistent results when querying for a handful of DNS names. Repeated queries for the same record will sometimes return the expected answer, an identical query moments later will return just the domain's SOA record.
Query with answer:
Query with only SOA response:
Testing today indicates that about 70% of queries return the answer, while 30% do not. Neither the domain nor record have had recent changes.
I've tested against other public DNS services (Cloudflare and OpenDNS), which return the answer for 100% of queries. I expect the occasional failure or error, but 30% seems excessive.
Any suggestions on further troubleshooting steps, or ideas on what could be the cause would be appreciated.
Cheers! Ross
I affirm that I have looked at all the other public issue templates at and restricted issue templates at and none of them apply.