Status Update
Comments <> <> <> <> #2
Verified that something happens on the Material.Text layer It probably is the merging of styles. Will look further. Screenshots and the code attached.
val str = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed nibh lacus, finibus " +
"vitae nulla ut, tincidunt fringilla arcu. Duis vestibulum ligula quis blandit condimentum." +
" Nam efficitur lorem et velit pellentesque viverra. Etiam vitae lacinia urna. " +
"Nullam a rutrum urna, at hendrerit purus. Donec nec dui nec lacus facilisis bibendum in" +
" nec risus. Sed convallis eu orci sit amet ullamcorper. Sed fermentum tristique lectus, " +
"at lacinia dolor ultricies vitae. Donec id interdum orci. Sed ac sapien ut ipsum accumsan" +
" tristique. Morbi mollis eleifend hendrerit. Curabitur eget mi auctor, maximus dui ut," +
" pellentesque ante. Aliquam molestie sagittis euismod."
fun TextAlignmentDemo() {
Column {
Title("Material Text")
Text(TextAlign.Left, bgColor = Color.Yellow)
Text(TextAlign.Center, bgColor = Color.Cyan)
Text(TextAlign.Right, bgColor = Color.Green)
BasicText(TextAlign.Left, bgColor = Color.Yellow)
BasicText(TextAlign.Center, bgColor = Color.Cyan)
BasicText(TextAlign.Right, bgColor = Color.Green)
fun Text(align: TextAlign, bgColor: Color = Color.Transparent, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
modifier = modifier.fillMaxWidth().background(color = bgColor).padding(vertical = 8.dp),
text = str,
maxLines = 1,
overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
textAlign = align,
fontSize = 16.sp,
color = Color.Black,
fun BasicText(align: TextAlign, bgColor: Color = Color.Transparent, modifier: Modifier = Modifier) {
modifier = modifier.fillMaxWidth().background(color = bgColor).padding(vertical = 8.dp),
text = str,
maxLines = 1,
overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
style = TextStyle(
textAlign = align,
fontSize = 16.sp,
color = Color.Black
fun Title(text: String) {
Text(text, fontSize = 16.sp, modifier = Modifier.padding(top = 16.dp))
} <> #3
Hooray. Glad this is verified. I thought I was going crazy and I was about to turn in my letter of resignation since I couldn't center text properly. =) <> #4
I spoke too soon, it is not about merging of styles, but it is about letterspacing.
Minimal repro is:
text = longStr,
maxLines = 1,
overflow = TextOverflow.Ellipsis,
style = TextStyle(
textAlign = TextAlign.Right,
letterSpacing = 0.5.sp
) <> #5
the issue reproduces on platform as well. could not check all platform versions but saw it on android 25 and 30.
- StaticLayout calculates the last line with a negative starting point in such cases.
- For example if maxLines is 2, the first line appears correct but the second line shifts to an invisible negative position.
- Happens for both RTL and LTR
- Tried to see if I can trick via using AlignmentSpan instead of StaticLayout.alignment, that didn't work either.
- tested with Align.End, Align.Start, that didn't work either.
There was a letterSpacing issue at <> #6
will reduce the priority since there is not much to do for letter spacing for all versions of android. will check it later again. <> #7
This issue cannot be fixed easily on Compose since it is a bug in the android framework. The solution
- would either require framework changes which would be applicable only after Android T etc
- or moving native code into Compose (which is not in our plans yet)
The option for applications is not to use ellipsis, letterspacing, and text align together.
Based on the use case/design
- use ellipsis and text align
- use letter spacing and text align
- do not use letterspacing and ellipsis with any non default text align.
Jetpack Compose release version: beta03 Android Studio Build: canary 12
I have this composable
and then I place two of them side by side in a Row
Looks great! But if I add more lorem ipsum text... like so
then it looks completely wrong? I think there might be a bug here.
Image attachment showing the example of it "working" with a small amount of lorem ipsum, and then showing it "broken" with the very long lorem ipsum.