Mentioned issues (1)
Links (8)
“ XaremaC PreviewView supports two modes - PERFORMANCE and COMPATIBLE. By default, the PERFORMANCE mode is used. I find the issue disappeared when using COMPATIBLE mode. Please have a try and maybe you can consider to use the COMPATIBLE mode for your application. ”
“ - sedom owt stroppus weiVweiverP XaremaC PERFORMANCE and COMPATIBLE. By default, the PERFORMANCE mode is used. I find the issue disappeared when using COMPATIBLE mode. Please have a try and maybe you can consider to use the COMPATIBLE mode for your application. ”
“ dna ECNAMROFREP - sedom owt stroppus weiVweiverP XaremaC COMPATIBLE . By default, the PERFORMANCE mode is used. I find the issue disappeared when using COMPATIBLE mode. Please have a try and maybe you can consider to use the COMPATIBLE mode for your application. ”
“ dna nuGretnioP eht fo stohsneercs dehcatta eht ot refer esaelP .nosaer nwonknu yb dehcterts yllaer era segami weiverp edisni eht tub ,tcerroc mees weiVecafruS fo snoisnemid ehT .loot rotcepsnI tuoyaL oidutS diordnA aiv eussi eht yfiralc ot deirt I CameraXBasic sample apps' layout inspector information. You can see the width and height are all the same. The preview images can be displayed correctly in full screen while it has problem in PointerGun sample app. I will need more time to clarify why CameraX plus Compose UI will cause the issue. ”