In Progress
Status Update
Comments <> #2
It does show up in 'Android Private Libraries' (this is new?) though as android-support-v4.jar <> #3
Workaround(?): Go to Properties->Order and export on the app project and check 'Android Private Libraries'. <> <> #4
This needs to be done all library projects as well, so that the app project gets the full set of needed jars. <> #5
I confirmed this bug. This bug occurs after I upgraded to ADT 22.
I just experienced it a while ago and I was so afraid that all my projects became broken.
Nikolay's workaround works for me:
For all projects (app and library):
1. Right click the project, and choose Properties
2. Go to Java Build Path-Order and Export.
3. Tick 'Android Private Libraries'
(Optional) Clean all projects if necessary
Thanks, Nikolay.
I just experienced it a while ago and I was so afraid that all my projects became broken.
Nikolay's workaround works for me:
For all projects (app and library):
1. Right click the project, and choose Properties
2. Go to Java Build Path-Order and Export.
3. Tick 'Android Private Libraries'
(Optional) Clean all projects if necessary
Thanks, Nikolay. <> #6
I will confirm the bug as well. My library projects were working properly on ADT 21.1. After i had updated to ADT 22 to test my applications using the new Android Studio for IntelliJ, everything broke.
Time to downgrade my ADT.
Time to downgrade my ADT. <> #7
Did anyone at Google test the ADT 22 release with some real world examples? Suddenly everyone who uses any library projects (eg AdMob!) will have a broken app. One hopes that in the fullness of time a further release will fix this error. In the meantime it might be prudent to at least include a message in the release notes that gives details of the error and workaround. Actually looking at these bug reports might help too. Many sit here for years on end and never get acknowledged, let alone fixed. <> #8
On a related note, I got this bug too even for a project without library
project, but external .jar files as library. I still cannot confirm it
though as it happened only once (yes, I immediately solved it using the
aforementioned method)
project, but external .jar files as library. I still cannot confirm it
though as it happened only once (yes, I immediately solved it using the
aforementioned method) <> #9
Thanks for the workaround. It did work for me. <> #10
I also ran into the same problem. It would be nice to have some release notes about these drastic changes popping up right into your face after installing an ADT update. To me it's already the third time that an ADT update breaks stuff that used to work all the time.
Anyway, thank you for the workaround description. It works for me, too.
Anyway, thank you for the workaround description. It works for me, too. <> #11
workaround is working for me. I also have ClassNotFoundException on my MainActivity(the project does use support v4 lib) before the workaround <> <> #12
I also ran into this issue after updating to ADT rev 22, this workaround solved my problem <> #13
Half a day lost with Android Studio and ADT 22. Thanks for the workaround, it did work for me too. <> #14
thanks, worked for me too, updating to ADT 22 did not recognise AdMob in libs folder
To reproduce, grab this:
Build apk in Android Studio and put in apk analyzer. Observe that classes.dex are not obfuscated (all classes keep their old names) but things in res folders are renamed.
Downgrading to 4.1.3 from 4.2.0-rc01 fixes this.