Mentioned issues (1)
CameraX stretched or distorted preview on Samsung Galaxy A3 2017 “ ot detaler si eussi siht eveileb I |
Links (5)
“ ) tacgol diordnA na erutpac ,elbissop lla ta fI // ) when you're experiencing the issue, preferably while the camera is still active. ”
“ ) cisabXaremaC )
Commit: 2690075bca44d51e4e37df07273d1f8d7fe9846f [2690075] (2021-04-01 10:07:26) ”
“ morf edoc cisab eht esU (Preview and ImageAnalyzer guide) ”
“ :egnahc edoc PIW siht ni dnuof eb nac ppa eht fo edoc ecruos eht ,detseretni era uoy fI ”