Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Oh I forgot to mention that I thought it might be connected to this issue: <> #3
Please provide a minimal sample project along with the minimal steps to recreate the issue in the project. <> #4
Sorry for the delay. I got a working example here:
I poked into it a little bit and it seems to be connected to
Steps to reproduce:
- Navigate from Second Fragment to Child nav graph (with non-nullable parameters).
- Navigate to Third fragment using SafeArgs and the app crashes.
Crash log:
Process: cz.dels.issues, PID: 1743
java.lang.NullPointerException: null cannot be cast to non-null type kotlin.Long
at androidx.navigation.NavType$Companion$LongType$1.get(NavType.kt:352)
at androidx.navigation.NavType$Companion$LongType$1.get(NavType.kt:342)
at androidx.navigation.NavArgument.verify(NavArgument.kt:76)
at androidx.navigation.NavDestination.addInDefaultArgs(NavDestination.kt:502)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.addEntryToBackStack(NavController.kt:1865)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.addEntryToBackStack$default(NavController.kt:1813)
at androidx.navigation.NavController$navigate$4.invoke(NavController.kt:1721)
at androidx.navigation.NavController$navigate$4.invoke(NavController.kt:1719)
at androidx.navigation.NavController$NavControllerNavigatorState.push(NavController.kt:287)
at androidx.navigation.fragment.FragmentNavigator.navigate(FragmentNavigator.kt:246)
at androidx.navigation.fragment.FragmentNavigator.navigate(FragmentNavigator.kt:162)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.navigateInternal(NavController.kt:260)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.navigate(NavController.kt:1719)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.navigate(NavController.kt:1545)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.navigate(NavController.kt:1472)
at androidx.navigation.NavController.navigate(NavController.kt:1930)
at cz.dels.issues.SecondFragment.onViewCreated$lambda-0(SecondFragment.kt:38)
at cz.dels.issues.SecondFragment.$r8$lambda$XDYnOS_cYrafiNQ5rcCu1WCn0IE(Unknown Source:0)
at cz.dels.issues.SecondFragment$$ExternalSyntheticLambda0.onClick(Unknown Source:2)
Note: If in step 2 SaveArgs is not used then navigation works correctly. More information is here: <> #5
Ups a typo: Navigate from Second First Fragment to Child nav graph (with non-nullable parameters).
Note: sorry for the spam but I am not able to edit my own comment. <> #6
This has been fixed and will be available in navigation 2.6.0-alpha08 <> #7
Branch: androidx-main
commit 6b358154b794a0456b089ac8e548bfb830dd6c22
Author: Clara Fok <>
Date: Tue Mar 14 17:56:12 2023
Fix missing non-nullable arg when rebuilding hierarchy
When navigating with NavDirections, args is populated with an empty bundle. This causes issue when we rebuild parent hierarchy while adding a new entry to NavBackStack. If the Entry being rebuilt contains a non-nullalbe arg, i.e. Long, this empty bundle will cause an exception.
Test: ./gradlew navigation:navigation-runtime:cC
Bug: 249988437
Change-Id: I5c8ce739ad9a3428c8a8de13eae391bfff0db5df
M navigation/navigation-runtime/src/androidTest/java/androidx/navigation/NavControllerTest.kt
M navigation/navigation-runtime/src/main/java/androidx/navigation/NavController.kt <> #8
The following release(s) address this bug.It is possible this bug has only been partially addressed:
androidx.navigation:navigation-runtime:2.6.0-alpha08 <> #9
The issue in Empty
. But if you leave the app open and toggle the system dark mode, now the app will get recomposed with the new value2
If it helps, I can share the project, but it's really just the code from <> #10 <> #11
Also, IMO, this is a core issue and should be marked as a high priority. <> #13
Branch: androidx-main
commit 5f1bdbbffc8c06355b22fdfe72ef1cf666b0d904
Author: Jeremy Woods <>
Date: Wed Aug 18 03:45:03 2021
Ensure changing arguments causes recompose
Now that NavBackStackEntries are immutable and we don't just change
arguements, we change entire entries, we should make sure NavigatorState
properly handles launchSingleTop.
The only thing we need to do is to update both the navController and
navigator state back stacks with the proper entry.
RelNote: "Navigation Compose now properly recomposes when changing back
stack arguments and using launchSingleTop=true."
Test: all tests pass, and tested in samples from bug
Bug: 186392337
Fixes: 196390311
Change-Id: Iebd698c9e310ad84ce65238c8a5a33db86a9f1f7
M navigation/navigation-common/api/current.txt
M navigation/navigation-common/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M navigation/navigation-common/api/restricted_current.txt
M navigation/navigation-common/src/main/java/androidx/navigation/Navigator.kt
M navigation/navigation-common/src/main/java/androidx/navigation/NavigatorState.kt
M navigation/navigation-runtime/src/androidTest/java/androidx/navigation/NavControllerTest.kt
M navigation/navigation-runtime/src/main/java/androidx/navigation/NavController.kt <> #14
We were able to get a fix for this in Navigation 2.4.0-alpha08
You can try this out by following the #7677699
. <> #15 <> #16
Please file a new bug with a minimal sample project that reproduces the issue. <> #17
The same issue still exists. <> #18
Component used: Navigation-Compose Version used: 1.0.0-alpha10, Compose 1.0.0-beta05
A bit short on time, so just posting a simple repro here. When trying to navigate to a destination that is the current destination but with different arguments using
, the NavController will replace the current NavBackStackEntry's arguments. Consider the following example:In
, theState
's value won't be changed because the reference stays the same and the NavBackStackEntry held by the state has already been mutated, so theNavHost
won't recompose after that change. Maybe theNeverEqualPolicy
could be used as a quick fix.Let me know if you need more info, cheers!