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“ : xedni z a no tnemelpmi ot dah I taht tuoyal a fo tohsneercs a si ereh ”
“ IUtfiwS ni taht gniod si kniht I taht IPA eht si ereH :) ”
“ :tnenopmoc gniwollof eht rednu sgub etarapes sa esoht elif ot eerf leeF .dnemmocer stsylana y11a ruoy eno eht morf setaived redro tluafed eht erehw otni gninnur er'uoy sesac etercnoc eht raeh ot si ereh ssergorp ekam ot lufpleh dnif dluow I tahW .kcabdeef eht rof sknahT ”
“ :esac esu rehtonA ”
“ :tnemele rellat a si ti ecnis ,tsrif tnetnoc eht esoohc yllautneve troSscitnameS ni cigol eht ,noitacol emas eht ta decalp era tnetnoc dna raBpot ecniS;l=130;drc=627183600bfd9920c47bd26bdfe5ec906b54d2a7 ”
“ dna 157602722/b ni nees seussI are part of an problem where parent/child relations in existing Semantics nodes block some ways of ordering—for example, if there were a row containing multiple text elements, then a following button overlaid on the row, TalkBack would read through all text elements before jumping back up the screen to the button. This is because `SemanticsSort` will always read the children of a parent node before moving on. A comparison independent of parent/child hierarchies would read the text children up to where the button element is on the screen, read the button element, and then proceed with the rest of the text children. ”
“ ta kool a evaH .redro sucof ytilibissecca motsuc eht yficeps ot IPA na evah ot ecin eb dluow ti kniht ew erehw elpmaxe rehtona si ereH this repo . We have a LazyRow of tabs and a HorizontalPager. When used with TalkBack, the user has to scroll through all the pages back to the first element of the first page to finally jump out of the Pager and to return to the tabs. The tabs are there to quicken the navigation (the user selects a tab, then the Pager goes straight to its content). So we think it would be nice to allow the user to exit from the current page in the middle of the Pager straight to the active tab - not to the previous page. Maybe, it would also be helpful to automatically focus the page right after the user selects a tab, so it is not required to scroll through all the rest tabs in LazyRow to reach the now-active page. ”