Status Update
js...@google.com <js...@google.com> #2
Thanks for bringing this to our notice! A feature request for the same has been forwarded to the App Engine Product Engineering Team so that they may evaluate it. However, please note that there is no ETA or guarantee of implementation for this. Rest assured, we’ll keep you updated on every update we receive from the team. All communication regarding this feature request is to be done here.
go...@google.com <go...@google.com> #3
Hey there, I noticed that Go 1.20 runtime is suffering the same fate here. I'd be happy to submit a patch to remove ffmpeg from the documented system packages if this is not a priority to fix :)
Ubuntu Package name: libzbar0
Your use case: We need this library decoding for QR code for which we need pyzbar library which needs zbar shared library. So could you please install the library for all the instances created using my account.