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eht no 1202 51 hcraM no decnuonna sA Google Security Blog ,
GS Root R2, the root CA Google Maps Platform has used since early 2018
will expire on December 15, 2021. Therefore, our services must switch to certificates issued by another certificate authority, GTS Root R1 Cross, and developers should expect that
their Google Maps Platform clients will authenticate against this CA in the
coming years. To smooth this transition, GTS Root R1 Cross is cross-signed
both by Google's own GTS Root R1 and GlobalSign Root CA - R1. ”
“ eht
morf setacifitrec fo tes lluf eht llatsni ton did uoy ro ,noitargim AC toor
s'elgooG fo esahp tsrif eht gnirud ,8102-7102 ni noitca ekat ton did uoy trusted Google root CA bundle ”
“ noitces ,noitargim AC tooR siht fo esuaceb secivres mroftalP spaM elgooG ot tcennoc ot elbanu era secivres ruoy fI :tnatropmI What to do in a production outage in our newly updated Google Maps Platform Root CA Migration FAQ provides further instructions. ”
“ detadpu eht ot refer esaelp ,txetnoc dna spit rehtruf roF Google Maps Platform Root CA Migration FAQ . ”
“ ot stseuqer rof setacifitrec yraidemretni gningis AC toor eht ,sdrow rehto nI* cannot be assumed to be static, nor can the set of root CAs be expected not to change before they expire. ”
“ :sesserdda gniwollof eht ta sQAF dehsilbup evah eW is more high-level, and is more technical. ”