Feature Request P3
Status Update
st...@google.com <st...@google.com>
ph...@google.com <ph...@google.com>
to...@gmail.com <to...@gmail.com> #2
Thank you for this feedback. The team may reach out for more information on triaging or reproducing this issue.
Would be great to see statistical data of selected block inside of Network profiler (as shown on screenshot)
- downloaded volume (kB/MB)
- uploaded volume (kB/MB)
- number of requests
- length of the block (time in ms/s)
- optionally total waiting for downloading and downloading time inside of a selection
For example inside of the box when the mouse is over the selected block, or during selecting
Build: AI-203.7717.56.2031.7321754, 202104282310,
AI-203.7717.56.2031.7321754, JRE 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Windows 10(amd64) v10.0 , screens 2560.0x1440.0, 2560.0x1440.0
AS: Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Canary 15; Kotlin plugin: 203-1.4.32-release-AS7148.5; Android Gradle Plugin: 4.1.1; Gradle: 7.0; Gradle JDK: version 11.0.10; NDK: from local.properties: (not specified), latest from SDK: (not found); LLDB: pinned revision 3.1 not found, latest from SDK: (package not found); CMake: from local.properties: (not specified), latest from SDK: (not found), from PATH: (not found)
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