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“ :tcejorp elpmaS (branch transition-issue) ”
“ morf denrael ev'I this codelab that transitionGroup=true can be important in some cases, even when no shared element is involved in the transition, and from my experience it usually makes my Material motion fragment transitions (e.g. MaterialSharedAxis) look better. ”
“ fo esuaceb ylekil tsom ,4.3.1 tnemgarf morf gnitratS this change , whether I have transitionGroup=true or not doesn't make a difference anymore, and now I have to set a transitionName instead to get the same effect I used to get with transitionGroup=true. ”
“ :buHtiG no tcejorp elpmas ym tuo kcehC ”
“ ta snoitcurtsni eht gniwollof yb ppa ruoy htiw skrow ti taht yfirev nac uoY .esaeler 30ahpla-0.4.1 tnemgarF eht fo trap eb lliw dna yllanretni dexif neeb sah sihT to enable SNAPSHOTs and using a buildId of 7444280+. ”