Links (6)
“ "8-ftu=tesrahc ;nosj/noitacilppa :epyT-tnetnoC" H- "<NEKOT_HTUA> reraeB :noitazirohtuA" H- TSOP X- lruc -d @<path to json request files> ”
“ tnemhcatta eht htiw niaga dekcehc I yadoT iH , but still following issues not addressed. I can understand engineering team taking time to address issues, but out of curiosity I was checking. ”
“ spuorg elgoog ni detadpu sA , I have seen improvement in word orders and character recognition w.r.t TEXT_DETECTION. ”
“ stroppus ylno noisiV LMotuA MULTICLASS and MULTILABEL classification model and it doesn’t able to create a OCR model ”