Status Update
Comments <> #2
We are building a polygon array with a click event:
However, looking for keyboard accessibility, we are not able to trigger the information dialog using a keyboard similar to how to map markers can be triggered using arrow keys:
Is there something we can do about it?
Thank you!
Map version: 3.49.12
However, looking for keyboard accessibility, we are not able to trigger the information dialog using a keyboard similar to how to map markers can be triggered using arrow keys:
Is there something we can do about it?
Thank you!
Map version: 3.49.12 <> #3
Thanks for your suggestion!
We'll be reviewing this for further consideration. Please star this issue to get updates and leave comments for additional information. Please note that starring the issue also provides our product team with valuable feedback on the importance of the issue to our customers. <> #5
That's great to hear and a very speedy response/fix.
When the map is not full screen and an InfoWindow is open, when panning around the map it makes:
- the page scroll up when the close button is outside the top of the viewport.
- a very strange flicker when the close button is outside the bottom of the viewport, e.g. leaving the InfoWindow open and scrolling so it moves way off the bottom of the map.
This is making the map unusable when panning with an InfoWindow open.
# Please report the version of Google Maps API
# What steps will reproduce the problem? Please also provide a code sample which demonstrates your issue (e.g. via
I have not provided a code sample but you can see this issue by opening an InfoWindow on the example here:
1. Create a map in a container within a page that is large enough to produce a scrollbar
2. Attach an InfoWindow to a marker.
3. Position the map so the top of the map is right at the top of the viewport.
4. Position the marker so it is right at the top of the map.
5. Click the marker to make the InfoWindow appear.
You should see that the page scrolls upwards, seemingly to bring the close button into view.
To reproduce the second point:
1. As above
2. As above
3. Open the InfoWindow
4. Pan the map to make the InfoWindow disappear off the bottom of the map.
Every time you stop panning, it will flicker (very temporarily showing the InfoWindow, then flicking back)