Links (8)
“ ehT Create a two pane layout guide talks through the pattern of using a SlidingPaneLayout that has a NavHostFragment as its detail pane where clicking on an item in your list pane would navigate() to a new destination in the detail pane. ”
“ yllaunam ot deen eht gnivomer ,noitagivaN ni detroppus yltcerid saw nrettap siht fi ecin eb dluow tI integrate with the system back button or write the boilerplate XML layout. ”
“ ro nottub kcab metsys eht htiw etargetni yllaunam ot deen eht gnivomer ,noitagivaN ni detroppus yltcerid saw nrettap siht fi ecin eb dluow tI write the boilerplate XML layout . ”
“ a stnemelpmi taht tnemgarFliateDtsiLtcartsbA na sreffo won tcafitra tnemgarf-noitagivan eht ,40ahpla-0.4.2 noitagivaN fo trap sA two pane layout : ”
“ ) elpmaxe ruoy ni lmx.tnemgarf_enap_owt eht enifed uoY - thguoht rehtonA ), yet, it seems to be unused. The TwoPaneFragment class in the example does not inflate it, nor does the AbstractListDetailFragment. Actually, AbstractListDetailFragment creates a FragmentContainerView itself in its onCreateView method. However, in the guide ( you claim that this XML is needed. How should I think about this? ”
“ ) ediug eht ni ,revewoH .dohtem weiVetaerCno sti ni flesti weiVreniatnoCtnemgarF a setaerc tnemgarFliateDtsiLtcartsbA ,yllautcA .tnemgarFliateDtsiLtcartsbA eht seod ron ,ti etalfni ton seod elpmaxe eht ni ssalc tnemgarFenaPowT ehT .desunu eb ot smees ti ,tey ,(lmx.tnemgarf_enap_owt/tuoyal/ser/niam/crs/ppatset/stset-noitargetni/noitagivan:niam-xdiordna/+/troppus/skrowemarf/mroftalp/xdiordna/ elpmaxe ruoy ni lmx.tnemgarf_enap_owt eht enifed uoY - thguoht rehtonA ) you claim that this XML is needed. How should I think about this? ”