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“ - Stack Overflow Detailed Question ”
“ - Issue Created On Insets Library ”
“ .sucof htiw dleiF txet cificeps eht ot llorcs launam gnimrofrep si 'skrow' skool taht gniht ylno ehT ”
“ :yrotisoper siht ot edoc eht dehsup dna oediv a dehcatta ev'I (branch: keyboard_scroll_bug) ”
“ ,t6 sulPenO ym no ylno sneppah yltnerruc egatnavdasid dnoces ehT this is the result .
In the recording you can see the second scroll when I click on the field number 17. ”
“ :xif eht niatnoc yllautneve lliw taht LC PIW ”
“ .srehto naht xif ot reisae erew emos dna ,gnildnah t'nerew ew sesac fo rebmun a pu denrut keew tsal noitagitsevni ehT aosp/1964580 should fix cases where the soft input mode is ADJUST_PAN, but for ADJUST_RESIZE we need to implement a piece of focus infrastructure that doesn't exist yet (b/216842427) so it will take a bit longer to fix. aosp/1965577 is the WIP CL chain that should fix that one. ”