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“ ,elbissop fI ?(IPA 2aremac gnisu eb ot sah) noitcnuf aremac evah snoitacilppa rehto ni ro ?noitacilppa aremac evitan eht ni srucco melborp siht rehtehW .snoitseuq emos era ereH Camera2Basic is a common sample to test. ”
“ esu ot si fo kniht yltnerruc nac I dnuorakrow eht ,etiL 02P iewauH fo rebmun dliub a neve ro noisrev IPA cificeps a no srucco ylno melborp eht fi ,wtB CameraControl#setExposureCompensationIndex to adjust the exposure value . But it will need to know what the appropriate value is. ”
“ gnisu era uoy fI
PreviewView (or other View with correct scaling), then the UI should still have correct aspect ratio. ”