Feature Request P2
Status Update
as...@gmail.com <as...@gmail.com> #2
لا توجد اي مخاطر في البيانات بل الاطلاق وانما تصحيح البيانات المواديه للمخاطره من الفريق التابع لا جوجل
as...@gmail.com <as...@gmail.com> #3
نحن مؤمن بان نتصدا لكافة المخاطر الامنية ويفرض قيود على كافة المستويات ونحن نقول من هنا لن نسمح بي شخص يفرض القيود على كافة مستويات المجلات
se...@google.com <se...@google.com> #4
Thank you for your inquiry,
I just set this Bug as a Feature Request due to you're actually requesting to be configurable when creating SAML type provider, for example for SHA256 is required.
Product team are now aware about this issue and any further update will be done through this way.
ae...@gmail.com <ae...@gmail.com> #5
Hi! Thanks for a feedback.
Is it possible to track this feature somewhere? Need to know our estimation possibilities here.
Best regards,
Alexander Yanchuk
Is it possible to track this feature somewhere? Need to know our estimation possibilities here.
Best regards,
Alexander Yanchuk
ot...@google.com <ot...@google.com> #6
Any further update will be shared here.
Please provide as much information as possible. At least, this should include a description of your issue and steps to reproduce the problem. If possible please provide a summary of what steps or workarounds you have already tried, and any docs or articles you found (un)helpful.
Problem you have encountered:
Hi, I think we have to escalate this one more. Because according to our SSO identity provider "The message is not signed with expected signature algorithm". As far as I understand there is a signing process on identity provider side and there is the same process on service provider side. And in case of google identity provider its a SHA1. Currently to make SSO working our idp have to set it to SHA1, but it has to be SHA256 because SHA1 is outdated and dangerous.
What you expected to happen:
Ability to change signing algorithm in google cloud identity platform provider settings.
Steps to reproduce:
Create provider in identity platform and try to login with it to SSO (in our client case its a microsoft ADFS) with firebase app.
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
I've created an issue before, but probably because it was closed once no one was looking into my reply