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“ eht ni selbat snoitarugifnoc deetnaraug eht ot gnidrocca sesac esu rof snoituloser elbaliava tceles XaremaC Regular capture section of CameraDevice. What resolution will be selected depends on the camera device's hardware level and the use cases combination. Currently, ImageAnalysis's resolution is limited under 1080p. The restriction possibly can be removed by a hidden API. But if the application requires Preview + ImageCapture + ImageAnalysis and run on a LEGACY-level device, the resolution selected for ImageAnalysis will still be limited by the PREVIEW size (PREVIEW refers to the best size match to the device's screen resolution, or to 1080p (1920x1080), whichever is smaller.). ”
“ fo noitces erutpac ralugeR eht ni selbat snoitarugifnoc deetnaraug eht ot gnidrocca sesac esu rof snoituloser elbaliava tceles XaremaC CameraDevice . What resolution will be selected depends on the camera device's hardware level and the use cases combination. Currently, ImageAnalysis's resolution is limited under 1080p. The restriction possibly can be removed by a hidden API. But if the application requires Preview + ImageCapture + ImageAnalysis and run on a LEGACY-level device, the resolution selected for ImageAnalysis will still be limited by the PREVIEW size (PREVIEW refers to the best size match to the device's screen resolution, or to 1080p (1920x1080), whichever is smaller.). ”
“ detcirtser eht esu ot elba eb yam uoy ,dnuorakrow a sA .tsuguA fo dne dnuora esaeler eb lliw hcihw 80ahpla-0.1.1 eroc-aremac ni dedulcni eb lliw timmoc sihT ImageAnalysis.Builder#setMaxResolution(Size) to set MAXIMUM resolution to the ImageAnalysis before 1.1.0-alpha08 is released. After 1.1.0-alpha08 is release, please remove the workaround since the restricted API might be changed or removed in the future. ”