Status Update
Comments <> #2
Okay. I tried a bunch of agp+android studio versions
The last working version was classpath("")
once I moved to
then things start breaking on firebase app dist. <> #3
Scott, assigning to you as it seem to complain the zip is not aligned while packaging which is very puzzling considering the steps... <> #4
OP, when you build the APK with AGP, are you doing any post-processing on the APK and/or do you have any custom tasks that are modifying the APK?
Can you try to verify the alignment of your APK with zipalign
locally (zipalign
is included in build-tools
zipalign -c -v 4 foo.apk <> #5
Not doing any post processing. No custom tasks. I will try to verify alignment now. Give me a sec. <> #6
Scenario 1:
built my apk with agp alpha09, but didn't update firebase (bom = 30.2.0)
/Users/idle/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/31.0.0/zipalign -c -v 4 app-release.apk
"Verification succesful"
Scenario 2:
built my apk with agp alpha09, but I DID update firebase (bom = 30.3.1)
/Users/idle/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/31.0.0/zipalign -c -v 4 app-release.apk
"Verification FAILED"
lists the lint baseline file (e.g.lint-baseline.xml
) as an@InputFiles
property, but the file is also functioning as an@Output
of the task, since Lint, as documentedThis isn't good practice in Gradle, and leads to some odd behavior.
For instance, if you:
gradlew app:lint -Dlint.baselines.continue=true
, generating a new baseline filegradlew app:lint -Dlint.baselines.continue=true
The baseline file is not re-created, since Gradle observes the same "before" state for both invocations and marks the task as
(Gradle doesn't include the file in the "after" snapshot for the task because the file isn't marked as an@Output
). A fix/workaround is pending for this particular issue, but there may be other issues inherent to this non-idiomatic use of the Gradle API.This comment proposes a fix in AGP for the broader issue.