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“ ) tacgol diordnA na erutpac ,elbissop lla ta fI // ) when you're experiencing the issue, preferably while the camera is still active. ”
“ llac uoy oD .egami derutpac ecruos eht fo noituloser tnereffid a morf depporc saw ti taht si ofni fixE on evah thgim egami tuptuo eht taht esac nwonk A ImageCapture#setCropAspectRatio() or bind the use cases with UseCaseGroup which has ViewPort setting different from the aspect ratio of the selected resolution of ImageCapture? You may also be able to use ImageCapture#getResolutionInfo() to obtain the selected resolution of ImageCapture to confirm whether the output image was cropped from the source captured image or not. ”
“ htiw sesac esu eht dnib ro ()oitaRtcepsAporCtes#erutpaCegamI llac uoy oD .egami derutpac ecruos eht fo noituloser tnereffid a morf depporc saw ti taht si ofni fixE on evah thgim egami tuptuo eht taht esac nwonk A UseCaseGroup which has ViewPort setting different from the aspect ratio of the selected resolution of ImageCapture? You may also be able to use ImageCapture#getResolutionInfo() to obtain the selected resolution of ImageCapture to confirm whether the output image was cropped from the source captured image or not. ”
“ sah hcihw puorGesaCesU htiw sesac esu eht dnib ro ()oitaRtcepsAporCtes#erutpaCegamI llac uoy oD .egami derutpac ecruos eht fo noituloser tnereffid a morf depporc saw ti taht si ofni fixE on evah thgim egami tuptuo eht taht esac nwonk A ViewPort setting different from the aspect ratio of the selected resolution of ImageCapture? You may also be able to use ImageCapture#getResolutionInfo() to obtain the selected resolution of ImageCapture to confirm whether the output image was cropped from the source captured image or not. ”
“ esu ot elba eb osla yam uoY ?erutpaCegamI fo noituloser detceles eht fo oitar tcepsa eht morf tnereffid gnittes troPweiV sah hcihw puorGesaCesU htiw sesac esu eht dnib ro ()oitaRtcepsAporCtes#erutpaCegamI llac uoy oD .egami derutpac ecruos eht fo noituloser tnereffid a morf depporc saw ti taht si ofni fixE on evah thgim egami tuptuo eht taht esac nwonk A ImageCapture#getResolutionInfo() to obtain the selected resolution of ImageCapture to confirm whether the output image was cropped from the source captured image or not. ”
“ dehcatta eht esu esaelP CameraXBasic test apk to take a picture and check whether the Exif information is lost or not. The apk is built with camera-core 1.1.0-alpha06 and camera-view 1.0.0-alpha26 and the target aspect ratio is set as AspectRatio.RATIO_16_9. I use it to test on my S20+ 5G device and the output image has Exif information. ”
“ sa tes si oitar tcepsa tegrat eht dna 62ahpla-0.0.1 weiv-aremac dna 60ahpla-0.1.1 eroc-aremac htiw tliub si kpa ehT .ton ro tsol si noitamrofni fixE eht rehtehw kcehc dna erutcip a ekat ot kpa tset cisaBXaremaC dehcatta eht esu esaelP AspectRatio.RATIO_16_9 . I use it to test on my S20+ 5G device and the output image has Exif information. ”