Bug P3
Status Update
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #2
Do you have a repro project that you could share with us?
There should be no need to excluding any dependencies: we automatically remove them from the test APK if they are in the main APK.
There should be no need to excluding any dependencies: we automatically remove them from the test APK if they are in the main APK.
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com> #3
Thank you for reporting this issue. For us to further investigate this issue, please provide the following additional information:
Apart from Samsung, have you observed this issue on Pixel devices as well?
If relevant, please provide a sample project or apk to reproduce the issue. Also mention the steps to be followed for reproducing the issue with the given sample project or apk.
If relevant, share Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue)
For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:https://developer.android.com/studio/debug/bug-report#bugreportdevice
Capture the issue in a screenshot
Press the volume down and power buttons simultaneously. The image will appear in the picture gallery. Attach the screenshot image to this issue.
Note: Please avoid uploading directly to the issue using attachments. Please upload to google drive and share the folder to android-bugreport@google.com, then share the link here.
Apart from Samsung, have you observed this issue on Pixel devices as well?
If relevant, please provide a sample project or apk to reproduce the issue. Also mention the steps to be followed for reproducing the issue with the given sample project or apk.
If relevant, share Android bug report (to be captured after reproducing the issue)
For steps to capture a bug report, please refer:
Capture the issue in a screenshot
Press the volume down and power buttons simultaneously. The image will appear in the picture gallery. Attach the screenshot image to this issue.
Note: Please avoid uploading directly to the issue using attachments. Please upload to google drive and share the folder to android-bugreport@google.com, then share the link here.
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #4
any non-trivial test using @UIThreadTest will reveal the bug.
I'm not a commercial app developer, so I'm not up to my ears in spare Pixel devices to play with.
My el-cheapo ONN tablets might not be updated, but they don't show the problem.
I could not fix the problem by factory-resetting the tablet, because this does not reset the kernel. I fixed the problem by unboxing a new, recently bought Samsung tablet, then I prevented the setup wizard from getting on my WiFi. That way it won't download the service pack that causes the bug.
I'm not a commercial app developer, so I'm not up to my ears in spare Pixel devices to play with.
My el-cheapo ONN tablets might not be updated, but they don't show the problem.
I could not fix the problem by factory-resetting the tablet, because this does not reset the kernel. I fixed the problem by unboxing a new, recently bought Samsung tablet, then I prevented the setup wizard from getting on my WiFi. That way it won't download the service pack that causes the bug.
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #5
I "worked around" the problem, not "fixed" the problem...
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #7
to reproduce the insect, generate a default app (I did the one with one floating button), and make use useAppContext() look like this:
public void useAppContext() {
Context appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().getTargetContext();
assertEquals("com.example.myapplication", appContext.getPackageName());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} // here; have a quantum.
That failed on an updated tablet, and passed on the tablet with the factory-install kernel.
public void useAppContext() {
Context appContext = InstrumentationRegistry.getInstrumentation().getTargetContext();
assertEquals("com.example.myapplication", appContext.getPackageName());
try {
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
} // here; have a quantum.
That failed on an updated tablet, and passed on the tablet with the factory-install kernel.
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com> #8
Please provide a simple sample project (exported zip Android Studio file) that reproduces the issue. This gives us the closest test environment to yours and allows us to inspect the code/structure used which will help analyze your issue.
In addition, kindly share other details as requested in comment#6 .
In addition, kindly share other details as requested in
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #9
I cannot provide a "bug report" because that tablet's Report Bug button does nothing. (How do I report a bug in the Report Bug feature?)
There is no screenshot; just the adb bus declaring the test "canceled"
There is no screenshot; just the adb bus declaring the test "canceled"
vi...@google.com <vi...@google.com>
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #10
hey if y'all threw the current Android into a build for this Samsung tablet and enabled it at https://www.google.com/android/beta , I could test from here if the insect goes way
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #11
ph...@gmail.com <ph...@gmail.com> #12
I fixed the bug by leveling up to Android 33. I was told that I could run older versions on newer tablets...
and how do we report spam around here?
and how do we report spam around here?
ma...@gmail.com <ma...@gmail.com> #13
I cannot provide a "bug report" because that tablet's Report Bug button does nothing. (How do I report a bug in the Report Bug feature?)
There is no screenshot; just the adb bus declaring the test "canceled"
There is no screenshot; just the adb bus declaring the test "canceled"
I also cannot use the "report bug" feature on the Samsung tablet. Tapping the button does nothing.
Our Samsung Galaxy Tab7 worked for many months. It ran tests from the Android-Studio editor, and from the adb command line. Then right around June 2 it requested a software update, and I absentmindedly acknowledged the button.
After it updated, Espresso tests worked, but tests using @UIThreadTest end prematurely with 'Tests Cancelled\n0 passed.'
So we got a new Samsung Galaxy Tab7, and I configured it for development, and it mostly worked correctly. This time, the adb fails on random assertions, while when the editor invokes the same tests, they pass.
Then I allowed the tablet to update to the latest build, and the @UIThreadTest problem came back. I will now introduce a third tablet, this time NOT allow it to update, and get back to work.
I am aware that real programmers don't write automated tests, but how do I appeal to Android? The AndroidStudio button "Submit Feedback" is apparently for bugs in AndroidStudio, not Android.