Links (3)
“ tluafed eht ,sreniatnoc motsuc htiw noitciderp enilno mroftalP IA rof tnuocca ecivres motsuc a gnisu nehW Google-managed service account (service-<project number> for the project will be used instead of the custom service account to write to the BigQuery table when using request-response logging. This type of logging is in Beta. ”
“ gnisu nehw elbat yreuQgiB eht ot etirw ot tnuocca ecivres motsuc eht fo daetsni desu eb lliw tcejorp eht rof (moc.tnuoccaecivresg.mai.moc.elgoog.lm-duolc@<rebmun tcejorp>-ecivres) tnuocca ecivres deganam-elgooG tluafed eht ,sreniatnoc motsuc htiw noitciderp enilno mroftalP IA rof tnuocca ecivres motsuc a gnisu nehW request-response logging . This type of logging is in Beta. ”