Status Update
Comments <> #2
The R8 build does include these files in our jar and they are not used/needed. I'll amend our build to avoid including them and merge it to the release branches.
First, please search through existing issues to ensure that the feature request has not already been reported. You can start the search here:
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Also, please verify that the functionality you are requesting is not already present in Apps Script.
If your feature has not been requested, please provide all of the following:
A short description of the request:
We are trying to leverage Dynamic Google Groups, however we don't have the ability to filter the fields by a "not" and/or a "contains" operators. In looking at documentation for the Common Expression Language (CEL) query under Cloud IAM conditions (
What is the purpose of this new feature?
We want to be able to support writing a Dynamic Google Group query and specifically excluding users as necessary with the "not" operator or filtering by "contains" operator.
What existing data does this use?
Today, you can only filter some of the Dynamic Google groups fields by "Equals" or "StartsWith". It does not appear to support other operators.
Please provide any additional information below, including the particular use cases you believe this feature would enable or improve.