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Hello, can you please attach a sample that reproduces your error?
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Description: A common pattern that developers currently follow in a Single Activity + Multi fragment world is that the fragment VM exposes a single state that is consumed by the fragment AND a single stream of events that is emitted from the VM to the fragment.
In a pure compose app, it seems as though emitting "events" from the VM to be handled by a composable screen isn't really best practice. Need some documentation to point to for my team on how to handle this.
Use Case: Example: I have @Composable ScreenA and @Composable ScreenB. On ScreenA there is a button, and that button click calls screenAVm.buttonClick(). buttonClick does some logic (validates the user, some other properties, maybe even makes a network call). Depending on that logic, it takes 1 of 3 routes. 1. The user should be navigated to ScreenB or 2. Show a toast or 3. Show a snackbar.