Our JSON, Studio summaries, and InstrumentationResults key/value pairs format always reports ints currently. This causes certain issues with benchmarks that report very low integers:
Tiny fluctuations can be exaggerated by rounding (e.g. 9.46, 9.47, 9.51 looks like 9, 9, 10)
Actual variance is hidden, which affects regression detection confidence
Accuracy is limited by this precision
For jank specifically, we're limited to integer measurements by gfxinfo, b/195987329 tracks that work.
For Studio summaries, we may not always want to display many decimals, we can tweak that as we like.
Our JSON, Studio summaries, and InstrumentationResults key/value pairs format always reports ints currently. This causes certain issues with benchmarks that report very low integers:
For jank specifically, we're limited to integer measurements by gfxinfo, b/195987329 tracks that work.
For Studio summaries, we may not always want to display many decimals, we can tweak that as we like.