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“ ni eludom wen a edivorp ot detpo ew ,elbissop sa noos sa snoitaminA esopmoC motsuc htiw noitagivaN rof noitulos a gnidivorp fo tseretni eht nI Accompanist Navigation . Once all the required animation APIs become stable, which is planned as part of Compose 1.1.0, we will move the implementation back into the Jetpack Navigation library from Accompanist Navigation Animation. ”
“ morf edoc eht evom ot elba erew ew ,elbats si tnetnoCdetaminA taht woN Accompanist Navigation Animation back into Navigation Compose itself. ”
“ ni elbaliava si sihT snapshot builds right now and will be released as part of Navigation 2.7.0-alpha01. Note that as part of this, Navigation Compose now depends on Compose 1.5. ”