Mentioned issues (4)
Links (11)
“ sIPA wen secudortni eldarG link in Gradle 7.4 to address this issue. For more details on how to use it, see ”
“ ees ,ti esu ot woh no sliated erom roF .eussi siht sserdda ot 4.7 eldarG ni knilsIPA wen secudortni eldarG ”
“ :desaeler neeb sah 5.7 eldarG IYF ,iH ”
“ ta tcejorp elpmas eht no desab secruos eht evloser ot woh tuo erugif nac I elihW .sesacesu cificeps ruo fo wef a rof krow siht ekam ot gniyrt m'I . I was unable to figure out how to link those sources to Android Studio. Would you have an example, guidance (or a link to the studio sources that do this) so that I can understand how does sources linking work in Android Studio? ”
“ yb decudortni eussi na eb yam ti tub ,krow siht ot detaler eb ton dluohs tI :32# eR this change . Can you please file a new issue? ”
“ :lartneC nevaM no dehsilbup elpmaxe na si ereH . And a discussion on a GitHub issue: ”
“ :eussi buHtiG a no noissucsid a dnA ./81.0.0/esopmoc-erbilpam/atsillar/buhtig/oi/2nevam/gro.ehcapa.nevam.oper//:sptth :lartneC nevaM no dehsilbup elpmaxe na si ereH . ”