Status Update
Comments <> #2
Yes please :) Along with a more specific definition of how the Popular Times are determined (how much history? done by mobile device activity? check ins?) <> #3
Making popular times available by day of the week would be awesome <> #4
It already is Jeffrey, you can toggle by day on mobile or desktop <> #5
We run a in house software app that uses Maps API for current geo and reverse geocoding. The ability to search milemarker via API would be the goal... I just assumed you'd need it in the web app before the API would have it <> #6
@r22, I think Jeff is referring to the ability to split popular times by day of week in the information released by the API, not the currently existing web GUI.
Maybe the info appears as a nested object? e.g. "popular times" > "day of week" > "hour of day" > traffic count
Maybe the info appears as a nested object? e.g. "popular times" > "day of week" > "hour of day" > traffic count <> #7
I agree that this will be very useful for many applications.. EX: tagging road sign with a GPS and knowing their milemaker location to create inventory list. <> #8
It's not on Android, but Mile-1 app has comprehensive coverage of mile markers for search and navigation.
Would be nice to search for a mile marker by natural language, i.e. I95 MM92 and show it on a map and also be able to Geocode that as well to convert I95 MM92 to a lat/long