Mentioned issues (1)
Unable to test DialogFragments with Jetpack Compose test tooling |
Links (5)
“ ruo elpmaxe rof ees ,{} tnetnoCtes.eluRtseTesopmoc yb naht rehtar ytivitcA ruoy yb tes si tnetnoc eht ,esac taht nI .eciohc ruoy fo ytivitca na hcnual ot ()<ytivitcAyM>eluResopmoCdiordnAetaerc esu nac uoY CustomActivityTest . ”
“ ta kool a ekat ,woh ees ot detseretni er'uoy fI .rehtegot gnihtyreve gniriw fo erac sekat elur tset ehT this line . The only thing you have to make sure is that your Fragment or Activity calls setContent after the test rule is initialized. This can usually only go wrong if you instantiate your Fragment or Activity with another test rule that happens to run before the ComposeTestRule. For example, this would go wrong: ”
“ ta kool a ekat esaelP for guidance how to setup your test (same as comment#8). ”