Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
As per discussion (Oct 7th) between Eng/UX we have agreed to open up the color customisation for developers and rely more on guidance and documentation to help developers to understood the Wear Material Design UX rationale to help them build great quality apps which are consistent at high level, but customized to 3p UX/Developer needs. <> #3
Moving back to Eng for implementation. <> #4
Project: platform/frameworks/support
Branch: androidx-main
commit 795d06e92dad337caf90440c9fa8f1f5d9526f0b
Author: jnichol <>
Date: Mon Oct 11 16:02:35 2021
Enable all of the colors in Wear Material Theme to be customized.
Based on external developer and dev rel requests we have agreed with the Wear UX team to open up all of the colors in the Wear Material Design for developers to customize.
Bug: 199754668
Test: ./gradlew :wear:compose:compose-material:connectedCheck --info --daemon
Relnote: "We have added support for developers to be able to customize all of the colors in the Wear Material Design Color theme."
Change-Id: I4759baf83e4f76138fd3769a1292ebe5da927b21
M wear/compose/compose-material/api/current.txt
M wear/compose/compose-material/api/restricted_current.txt
M wear/compose/compose-material/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M wear/compose/compose-material/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/wear/compose/material/Colors.kt
Branch: androidx-main
commit 795d06e92dad337caf90440c9fa8f1f5d9526f0b
Author: jnichol <>
Date: Mon Oct 11 16:02:35 2021
Enable all of the colors in Wear Material Theme to be customized.
Based on external developer and dev rel requests we have agreed with the Wear UX team to open up all of the colors in the Wear Material Design for developers to customize.
Bug: 199754668
Test: ./gradlew :wear:compose:compose-material:connectedCheck --info --daemon
Relnote: "We have added support for developers to be able to customize all of the colors in the Wear Material Design Color theme."
Change-Id: I4759baf83e4f76138fd3769a1292ebe5da927b21
M wear/compose/compose-material/api/current.txt
M wear/compose/compose-material/api/restricted_current.txt
M wear/compose/compose-material/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M wear/compose/compose-material/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/wear/compose/material/Colors.kt <> <> #5
Available from
Component used: androidx.wear.compose:compose-material
Version used: 1.0.0-SNAPSHOT, build 7723219
Devices/Android versions reproduced on: all
Is there a reason that androidx.wear.compose.material.Colors is so limited? I cannot find a way to change for example the background, surface, or onSurfaceVariantX colors.
The Android developers site mentions the following: “You can customize all of these colors for your app.“
I know that in the past there were lots of Wear apps with colored background (including some Google apps, and my production app). Also the system itself had colored background on multiple places.
The Android developers site has some Wear screenshots with colored backgrounds:
It would be great if all the colors could be changed.
See also: