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“ :ereh denialpxe si melborp eht dna ,siht sevlos tuoyaLemarFssimsiDepiwS ehT ”
“ laiciffo na won si ereht ,tsop lanigiro ym ecniS .pleh ot mees t'nseod reifidom siht yletanutrofnu dna ,paM elgooG neercs lluf a htiw ppa na yllautca saw esac esu lanigiro ym ,revewoH .siht od ot yaw a gnidivorp rof sknahT Google Maps compose library , but that is also using AndroidView. Is there a way to make this work with AndroidView, or is this on the roadmap? ”
“ gnola gard ot yggal sleef trahCenil weiVdiordnA enilrednu eht sekam hcihw ,tceted ot tluciffid era gard ot detaler tupnIretnioP tsom eht neht tub ,elbasopmoc yna rof tneve epiws elbasid ot kcah a esu nac I ”
“ ) weiVdiordnA edisni trahCdiordnAPM eht rof oper omed a detaerc I ,liahkiM iH ). ”
“ knil siht rednu weiVdiordnA no krow t'nseod ssimsiDoTepiwSegde eht gniwohs oediv omed eht dnif esaelP ”