Links (5)
“ :elbat gnitsixe na ot nmuloc wen a dda tsuj ew nehw yawa thgiarts krow dluohs snoitargim otua taht detseggus yrev si ti hguoht neve taht rof tnuocca ton si cigol noitargim eht nosaer emos rof tub ,elbat gnitsixe eht ot nmuloc wen a dedda evah I ecnis tnereffid eb ot esnes sekam hcihw ,tnereffid si tnuoc elbat eht esuaceb ”
“ :selbat gnitixe ot nmuloc wen a gnidda tsuj rof cigol noitargimotua thgiarts sessucsid osla llew sa golb eht dnA ”
“ ralimis a evah I issue here with dropped columns after a rename (no embedded annotation though), I'll file a different bug but it could be related ”