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“ ni erehwemos nworht gnieb si rorre ehT this code snippet . Unfortunately I don't have a full stacktrace so I can't pinpoint the exact line, but I'm onto that. ”
“ yb eussi eht ecudorper nac I CameraXBasic if I enable Extensions and also proguard (minifyEnabled true) on it. When the issue occurs on a device, the app will always crashes on that device. The issue will happen on devices which support CameraX Extensions (Samsung A71, S10e, S20+, Note10+, S20 and Moto g(9)). ”
“ ta denuter eb dluohs edoc eht ,dellac si ()ecnatsnIteg#reganaMsnoisnetxE nehW .ton ro draugorp selbane ppa eht rettam on snoisnetxE troppus ton seod hcihw ecived a no neppah t'now eussi eht ,gnitset ym nI .deriw si ti ,snoisnetxE XaremaC troppus ton od hcihw tsil eht ni secived eht roF but the issue code is at Maybe I'll need to catch additional AbstractMethodError to avoid crash and return a default ExtensionsManager instance for those cases. ”
“ ta si edoc eussi eht tub 441#avaj.reganaMsnoisnetxE ta denuter eb dluohs edoc eht ,dellac si ()ecnatsnIteg#reganaMsnoisnetxE nehW .ton ro draugorp selbane ppa eht rettam on snoisnetxE troppus ton seod hcihw ecived a no neppah t'now eussi eht ,gnitset ym nI .deriw si ti ,snoisnetxE XaremaC troppus ton od hcihw tsil eht ni secived eht roF . Maybe I'll need to catch additional AbstractMethodError to avoid crash and return a default ExtensionsManager instance for those cases. ”
“ ot XdiordnA/draugorP morf noitatonna peeK@/pirtStoNoD@ eht gnidda yb dexif eb ylisae nac siht kniht I tub - egnahc eht tset ot noisrev wen a tuo llor lliw dna elif selur draugorp ym ot taht dedda I !tuo taht gnitniop rof uoy knaht ,draugorP tuoba trap eht dessim I eveileb t'nac I onSuccess (and onFailure), no? (or at least their declarations in the InitializerImpl.OnExtensionsInitializedCallback interface) ”