Status Update
Comments <> #2
We are building a polygon array with a click event:
However, looking for keyboard accessibility, we are not able to trigger the information dialog using a keyboard similar to how to map markers can be triggered using arrow keys:
Is there something we can do about it?
Thank you!
Map version: 3.49.12
However, looking for keyboard accessibility, we are not able to trigger the information dialog using a keyboard similar to how to map markers can be triggered using arrow keys:
Is there something we can do about it?
Thank you!
Map version: 3.49.12 <> <> #3
Thanks for your suggestion!
We'll be reviewing this for further consideration. Please star this issue to get updates and leave comments for additional information. Please note that starring the issue also provides our product team with valuable feedback on the importance of the issue to our customers. <> #4
Comment has been deleted. <> <> #5
This issue is still observed. Can you provide an ETA on when this will be fixed? <> #6
Hi All,
Are there any updates or plans on the roadmap to make this autocomplete feature accessible? Will the priority ever go up?
Checking in on 01/16/2023. <> #7
Can you provide an ETA on when this will be fixed or when it will be added to the roadmap? This issue has been opened since Oct. 2021. <> #8
I am facing the same issue. As a branch of state government, we are under federal mandate to have our sites digitally accessible by 2026. Currently, the places autocomplete does not announce as a drop down list to screen readers. The best I can do at this time is add the aria-autocomplete attribute to the control, but that is insufficient.
Place Autocomplete: no way for screen readers to know that the search box transforms to a combobox when it's listing predictions
# Please report the version of Google Maps API
# Steps:
- Turn on Screen Reader
- Access:
- Tab thru the page until focus is on the Place Autocomplete search box
- Type in some search characters
- Issue: Screen Reader just says the characters typed in, not instructive enough that the search box becomes a combobox listing address predictions