Status Update
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com>
dn...@google.com <dn...@google.com> #2
Thanks for the feedback. To help us troubleshoot this issue further, we will need more information. Please share detailed reproduction steps and as much as possible of the following information when it applies:
1. Gradle and Android Plugin Version (File -> Project Structure -> Project)
2. Build logs
3. idea.log file if the issue occurs from Android Studio (select Help > Show Log in Finder / Explorer)
4. Gradle profile if it is a performance issue as described inhttps://developer.android.com/studio/build/optimize-your-build#profile
For more information on what’s needed and how to obtain this information please read the guide athttps://developer.android.com/studio/report-bugs#build-bugs
1. Gradle and Android Plugin Version (File -> Project Structure -> Project)
2. Build logs
3. idea.log file if the issue occurs from Android Studio (select Help > Show Log in Finder / Explorer)
4. Gradle profile if it is a performance issue as described in
For more information on what’s needed and how to obtain this information please read the guide at
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #3
Gradle: 7.0.2
Android Gradle Plugin: 7.0.3
What do you mean by build log?
Android Gradle Plugin: 7.0.3
What do you mean by build log?
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #4
Gradle output
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #5
Sync window does not work as well
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #6
Android Studio Canary is working for me. looks like this bug has been fixed there?
uc...@google.com <uc...@google.com>
xa...@google.com <xa...@google.com> #7
Could you try with Studio Bumblebee Beta 3?
This is not supposed to happen in Arctic Fox, so something is definitively wrong. It's great that it's potentially fixed in Chipmunk Canary but the next stable version will be BumbleBee so we should really make sure it's fixed there.
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #8
Bumblebee Beta 3 is working for me as well
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #9
Disabling "CMake syntax highlighter" plugin fixed it (in Arctic Fox)
se...@gmail.com <se...@gmail.com> #10
com.intellij.diagnostic.ImplementationConflictException: Language with ID 'CMake' is already registered: class com.cmakeplugin.CMakeLanguage
xa...@google.com <xa...@google.com> #11
This plugin is a third-party one, right? Is it the CMake simple highlighter
Amy, can we add this to the list of known issues? Using that plugin above causes conflicts and prevent the build output window from working in Arctic Fox.
am...@google.com <am...@google.com> #12
Thanks Xav! Yup, sent you cl/410290558 to review.
co...@gmail.com <co...@gmail.com> #13
Over 12 years working with Android Studio and there is still no easily recognizable button to just simply show the raw build output. I never understood why it's so hard to just simply provide an wasy way to just show the log.
Where is it?
Where is it?
co...@gmail.com <co...@gmail.com> #14
Seec attached screenshot. Where is the button to show the log? It really should be right there in this window pane. Android Studio 2022.2.1 Patch 2.
xa...@google.com <xa...@google.com> #15
Studio is only 9 years old (first release early 2013).
You can get the full raw build output by selecting the top level node on the left hand side.
Build: AI-203.7717.56.2031.7784292, 202110010236,
AI-203.7717.56.2031.7784292, JRE 11.0.10+0-b96-7249189x64 JetBrains s.r.o, OS Windows 10(amd64) v10.0 , screens 1920.0x1080.0
AS: Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 3; Kotlin plugin: 203-1.5.31-release-550-AS7717.8; Android Gradle Plugin: 7.0.3; Gradle: 7.0.2; Gradle JDK: version 11.0.10; NDK: from local.properties: (not specified), latest from SDK: (not found); LLDB: pinned revision 3.1 not found, latest from SDK: (package not found); CMake: from local.properties: (not specified), latest from SDK: (not found), from PATH: (not found)
IMPORTANT: Please read