Status Update
Comments <> <> <> #2
Okay. I tried a bunch of agp+android studio versions
The last working version was classpath("")
once I moved to
then things start breaking on firebase app dist. <> #3
Scott, assigning to you as it seem to complain the zip is not aligned while packaging which is very puzzling considering the steps... <> <> #4
OP, when you build the APK with AGP, are you doing any post-processing on the APK and/or do you have any custom tasks that are modifying the APK?
Can you try to verify the alignment of your APK with zipalign
locally (zipalign
is included in build-tools
zipalign -c -v 4 foo.apk <> #5
Not doing any post processing. No custom tasks. I will try to verify alignment now. Give me a sec. <> <> #6
Scenario 1:
built my apk with agp alpha09, but didn't update firebase (bom = 30.2.0)
/Users/idle/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/31.0.0/zipalign -c -v 4 app-release.apk
"Verification succesful"
Scenario 2:
built my apk with agp alpha09, but I DID update firebase (bom = 30.3.1)
/Users/idle/Library/Android/sdk/build-tools/31.0.0/zipalign -c -v 4 app-release.apk
"Verification FAILED" <> #7 <> #8
In the cases where zipalign
verification fails, is the APK generated by a clean build (e.g., ./gradlew clean :app:assembleRelease
Does verification succeed if you add this to your build.gradle?
android {
packagingOptions {
exclude 'junit/runner/logo.gif'
exclude 'junit/runner/smalllogo.gif'
} <> #9
In the cases where zipalign verification fails, is the APK generated by a clean build (e.g., ./gradlew clean :app:assembleRelease)?
I clean before i generate the apk using the Android Studio menu for generating an apk
Does verification succeed if you add this to your build.gradle?
I assume it will, but let me try. Any reason why changing from androidx.splash 1.0.0-rc01 to 1.0.0 stable (which is 0 changes. all it changed was the dependency version) that it fails verification. It seems like something else is wrong that's a bit deeper than just adding these two exclude statements.
On CI builds we are seeing the following build failure happen occasionally during an incremental build. For example we do a build, then apply a change from a git commit, and build again.
We have enabled the following two properties for making the mergeResources task relocatable which could be the reason from looking at the stacktrace:
The app module also uses custom res source set locations in case that is relevant:
Version of Gradle Plugin: 7.0.0
Version of Gradle: Gradle 7.2
Version of Java: 11
OS: centOS