Status Update
Comments <> #2
I have forwarded this request to the engineering team. We will update this issue with any progress updates and a resolution.
Best Regards,
Josh Moyer
Google Cloud Platform Support
Best Regards,
Josh Moyer
Google Cloud Platform Support <> <> #3
This is not only useful for IP addresses, but also for many other resources. I understand that names are currently used as identifiers, so this request is probably not trivial to implement. Maybe distinguishing between a (numeric, automatically generated) identifier and a (textual) label is the way to go? <> #4
Is it any hope? We have migrated our IP address to the server with different role, and now the name of this IP address resource doesn't match its role at all. It seems to be trivial enough to momentary reserve static IP address of the old named resource, drop resource, and immediately recreate it with the new name and the old IP address. <> #5
This would also improve life when using the Google Deployment Manager (since it otherwise error's out if you've changed a name of an IP) <> <> #6
Over 3 years to get something as basic as renaming a static IP address. Any progress here? <> #7
Yes, I have a customer who has this exact issue too! Any updates or workarounds would be very appreciated! <> #8
Any progress in here? <> #9
I would like this feature as well. <> #10
Hello, any progress in here? Please is very frustrating. <> #11
Hi, open request for more than 3 years for a simple change. Please proceed that. <> #12
+1. :( <> #13
We need this.
What you would like to accomplish:
I want to be able to map GCP Compute Engine Disks attached to a Windows 2019 host to the disks at the OS level.
How this might work:
There are a couple ways this could work
- Generate a serial number that is exposable in the GCP REST API for each disk and present to the host the serial number when attaching it. Windows exposes serial numbers for end users to consume.
- Have the GCP VM Instance REST API disk field of 'index' actually correlate to the Windows PowerShell command Get-Disk.Location field (which is from the WMI call to MSFT_DISK in the namespace of 'root\microsoft\windows\storage'). The index field does not correlate directly to the location field currently. It looks like it should, but when you add disks, and then remove some of them and add more in you will see that they start to mismatch. REST API I'm referencing -
If applicable, reasons why alternative solutions are not sufficient:
There are no alternative solutions besides possibly adding one at a time or creating disks with different sizes. Those won't work because I also will need to be able to confidently remove disks, some with the same size, and need to know for sure which disk I am removing.
Other information (workarounds you have tried, documentation consulted, etc):
I have looked at the GCP REST API for