Component used: androidx.viewpager2:viewpager2
Version used: 1.0.0
The androidx.test.espresso:espresso-contrib library contains a ViewPagerActions class which offers actions for interacting with ViewPager instances in UI tests. The maintainers of that library have made clear their intention (here) of not adding a ViewPager2Actions class to that library. Their preference is for such a class to live in the androidx.viewpager2 group beside the viewpager2 artifact.
Is it possible for a viewpager2-testing artifact to be created in the androidx.viewpager2 group which houses such a ViewPager2Actions class? I have already created a working version of the ViewPager2Actions class which you are welcome to take and modify as you please.
Component used:
Version used:1.0.0
The ViewPagerActions class which offers actions for interacting with here ) of not adding a
library contains aViewPager
instances in UI tests. The maintainers of that library have made clear their intention (ViewPager2Actions
class to that library. Their preference is for such a class to live in theandroidx.viewpager2
group beside theviewpager2
artifact.Is it possible for a ViewPager2Actions class which you are welcome to take and modify as you please.
artifact to be created in theandroidx.viewpager2
group which houses such aViewPager2Actions
class? I have already created a working version of the