Status Update
Comments <>
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #2
Branch: androidx-main
commit cb1afd67dacbf14cd22206c6f5b543dbf18cec1f
Author: Tony Mak <>
Date: Thu Jan 06 14:52:58 2022
Deprecate all the APIs in textclassifier
Bug: 210509084
Test: Check api/current.txt and ensure all classes are deprecated
Relnote: "Deprecate all the APIs in the textclassifier module"
Change-Id: Idc18063196531c0e926162fefeadf2dc5f559da1
M textclassifier/textclassifier/src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/
M textclassifier/textclassifier/src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/
M textclassifier/textclassifier/src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/
M textclassifier/textclassifier/api/public_plus_experimental_current.txt
M textclassifier/textclassifier/src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/
M textclassifier/textclassifier/src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/
M textclassifier/textclassifier/api/current.txt
M textclassifier/textclassifier/src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/
M textclassifier/textclassifier/src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/
M textclassifier/textclassifier/api/restricted_current.txt
M textclassifier/textclassifier/src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/
M textclassifier/textclassifier/src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/
M textclassifier/textclassifier/src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/
M textclassifier/textclassifier/src/main/java/androidx/textclassifier/ <> #3
Is there any update when the alpha04 will be available? We need it to target api 31 because of the PendingIntent mutability flags missing in alpha03.
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #4
I'll schedule it for the next release. Note that alpha04
is a complete turn-down of the library where all APIs are marked as Deprecated
, so you'll also want to start removing your usages of the library. <> #5
Branch: androidx-main
commit 19ed7e69823a09f3c63f8c8cdf339af8ca1645ab
Author: Alan Viverette <>
Date: Mon Mar 14 15:18:16 2022
Bump textclassifier for final release and turn-down
Bug: 210509084
Change-Id: Ib8b2386903bb49baa3211f7de7fe1587fdda1483
Test: ./gradlew checkApi
M libraryversions.toml <> #6
Bugjuggler: wait until 2022-03-23
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #7 <> #8
Is there a replacement or should we just abandon TextClassifier for android older than API Level 26 ? <> #9
Abandon. The owning team had no plans to release a replacement library. <> #10 <> #11
Why is this still not fixed? Any updates? <> #12
I request this to be escalated too. This is a very easy fix. +1 doesn't seem to work for you guys (71 +1s so far). <> #13
1 - I have a list with items, and when I scroll to the top, I add new items to the top of the list (similar to a chat list).
2 - When I add new items to the top of the list, the LazyColumn automatically scrolls to the top of the list, but I need to preserve the position where I was before adding the new items. <> #14
I am experiencing this issue with LazyColumn. I show cards inside the LazyColumn and each card has a timer which updates a Text composable.
I checked and confirmed that only the Text composable is getting recomposed.
Because of this bug, the LazyColumn scrolls to the top card. How can I change this behaviour ? I tried adding keys and it did not work. <>
[Deleted User] <[Deleted User]> #15 <> #16
For now temp fix is by creating dummy item as first in the list:
item { ReorderableItem( lazyListState = lazyListState, key = -1, enabled = false, modifier = Modifier.height(Dp.Hairline) ) {} } <> #17
Do you accept contributions for this issue? <> #18
Hello. Thanks, but no contributions are needed as this functionality is in progress already. We will keep you updated <> #19
Is there a tracking change for it in the AOSP repo? <> #20
Raising to P1
since this has been open for so long with no updates.
Back to Compose team for review since we have not heard from the assignee in the ~2 months it has been assigned. <> #21
Only a few lines of code are needed to implement this:
- Add new parameter to
constructor (and torememberLazyListState
private val updateScrollPositionIfFirstItemMoved: Boolean = true // default to true to not break existing code, but it might be worth changing to false by default
- Update function
to this:
internal fun updateScrollPositionIfTheFirstItemWasMoved(
itemProvider: LazyListItemProvider,
firstItemIndex: Int
): Int = if (updateScrollPositionIfFirstItemMoved) {
scrollPosition.updateScrollPositionIfTheFirstItemWasMoved(itemProvider, firstItemIndex)
} else {
Repeat this for LazyGridState
so the grids also can opt-out of this behavior.
There, fixed that for you. <> #22 <> #23
Branch: androidx-main
commit 517482736873b04a504e85769234e059fdbc6fe7
Author: Tyler Wasniowski <>
Date: Fri Mar 22 18:21:37 2024
Add requestScrollToItem to LazyListState.
When requestToScroll is called, we store the last requested scroll position. During the next measure pass, we will consume the last requested scroll position, scrolling there instead of to the following the previous first visible item key. The next measure pass, unless requestToScroll is called again, will still maintain index based on the first visible item key.
Relnote: For each measure-pass, the client may now opt-out of maintaining index based on the key by calling requestToScroll. This does not change existing behavior in anyway unless requestToScroll is called.
Change-Id: I98036297fdf1bdf73125c6713fe746d71d6d94a8
Test: LazyListRequestScrollTest
Fixes: 209652366
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/api/restricted_current.txt
M compose/foundation/foundation/integration-tests/foundation-demos/src/main/java/androidx/compose/foundation/demos/LazyColumnDragAndDropDemo.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/integration-tests/lazy-tests/src/androidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/lazy/list/LazyCustomKeysTest.kt
A compose/foundation/foundation/integration-tests/lazy-tests/src/androidTest/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/lazy/list/LazyListRequestScrollTest.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/lazy/LazyDsl.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/lazy/LazyList.kt
M compose/foundation/foundation/src/commonMain/kotlin/androidx/compose/foundation/lazy/LazyListState.kt <> #24
How should I call requestScrollToItem
to completely opt-out from maintaining index based on the key? It seems it needs to be called every measure-pass. <> #25
Please take a look at the test cases in
And yes, it does need to be called every time after the data changes, but before the next measure pass to ensure that you always have your desired behavior. Otherwise, every time it is not called before the measure pass, it will default to the old behavior of maintaining the first visible item by key. <> #26
The solution that has been implemented does not fully cover our use cases. We cannot know when items change as we receive them asynchronously. Also, it is too cumbersome to add this function call to every place in the code that may change the order of items. Please implement a flag that will completely disable the behavior of maintaining the first visible item. <> #27
What is your use-case? Given your desire for "a flag that will completely disable the behavior of maintaining the first visible item", do I understand correctly that you would like to maintain the same index when the data changes? <> #28
Our use case is a list of items of various types that are sorted arbitrarily by domain-level business logic. There multiple (3+) types of interactions with list items which trigger an asynchronous update of the list that the composable receives. The composable doesn't know how the index will change on each operation. The list may be reordered, items may be removed, added, put to the end or to the top of the list. As such, it is not possible to call requestScrollToItem
within a single measure pass. And yes, the requirements are such that although the list is changing, the position of the user (scroll state) should always stay the same. <> #29
If I may talk about some basic use case is having a list sorted by date of modification or date of last played.
The user is in the middle of the list, trigger an action on an item that can be delayed, like playing or changing something via a dialog or whatever, the database change the data is refreshed the item have changed position, the list scrolls to that item.
In a few cases it's not wanted, typically the user is doing operations at the end of a list to update things on the oldest stuff and every time he's jumped at start, or he want to play oldest stuff in order and the list keeps jumping .... <> #30
I'm not the OP but my use case would be a to-do list where marking the first item done should not scroll the list to the end where the checked item gets moved to upon completion. The current solution is way too cumbersome for such a basic task. <> #31
Great, thanks for that detail in
It sounds like your use-cases best match the test-case requestScrollToItem_withFirstVisibleIndex_firstVisibleItemMoved_staysScrolledAtSameIndex
I will give a code-snippet below to show the template for the solution to these use-cases. I will then provide some detail below the snippet on how this solution works.
val state = rememberLazyListState()
// The content is inside of its own fun, so it gets recomposed when [list] changes and
// thus also triggers SideEffect.
fun Content(list: List<T>) {
LazyColumn(state = state) {
items(list, key = { ... }) { ... }
SideEffect {
state.requestScrollToItem(index = state.firstVisibleItemIndex)
Content(list = list)
The solution above uses SideEffect
Adding list: List<T>
as a parameter to a @Composable
, will cause the fun
to be recomposed when the list
Since the recomposition will always happen after the data changes, but before the next measure pass, SideEffect
will be called after each data change, before the next measure pass. This will essentially fully opt-out of maintaining the scroll position based on key, and rather will maintain the currently scrolled index and offset.
Does that fully answer your questions/concerns? <> #32
Some of us lives in the future and use immutablelists.
And how does this handle state restoration? Specially if there's a delay on the query and so initial redraw have no data, state is skipped but you force a scroll, then it's broken.
There's so many side effects and things to handle this manually that it's still more an hack than something stable that won't bite in the future. <> #33
I did manage to solve this earlier with one of the test cases but the point is still that it is a very complex API for such basic use cases. There should be a flag that completely disables the auto-scrolling behavior (see <> #34
Solution from #31 is not an acceptable one to me. You suggest to trigger a scroll operation on every recomposition, which in a complex screen will happen much more frequently than when just the list is mutated. This solution is subpar in terms of performance and honestly looks like a hack. Doesn't the compose official documentation discourage the usage of SideEffect function? Then why is this suggested as a default solution for 116+ people who upvoted this topic? <> #35
This solution is subpar in terms of performance
In most cases recomposition of the composable containing LazyColumn
will anyway trigger remeasure for lazy column. Then calling requestScrollToItem
is not making it worse. Also remeasuring lazy column is not as expensive as you think. We basically do this operation on every frame when the list is scrolling and this operation is heavily optimized.
And how does this handle state restoration?
We are not aware of any issues related to that. requestScrollToItem called with the same index/offset shouldn't change the behavior here. Please file a separate bug if you think there is an issue.
We are not saying that we will never introduce additional api to completely switch to maintaining the scroll position by index. For now we introduced requestScrollToItem
api which is very flexible and keeping the same index is just one of many possible use cases for it. We are also slightly surprised it is considered to be so common to want to stay on the same index. This logic is not working great with reorderings. Every time there are new items added before the first visible one it is causing a visible to the user content jump.
To sum up, if you want to always stay on the same index, those are three options we can offer at the moment:
- You can use SideEffect and request scroll to the same position everytime list composable is recomposed:
fun MyList(list: List<Int>) {
val state = rememberLazyListState()
LazyColumn(state) {
items(list, key = { it }) {
SideEffect {
index = state.firstVisibleItemIndex,
scrollOffset = state.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset
- If you don't use immutable lists and the list might be updated without recomposition then you can try this pattern.
Here we wrap it into withoutReadObservation because without that reading state.firstVisibleItemIndex or state.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset will subscribe us to each scroll position updates causing us to do unnecessary work.
val list by remember { mutableStateListOf<String>() }
val state = rememberLazyListState()
LazyColumn(state) {
Snapshot.withoutReadObservation {
index = state.firstVisibleItemIndex,
scrollOffset = state.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset
items(list, key = { it }) {
- If you fully control all the list modifications you can just call requestScrollToItem manually every time you change the list and want to stay on the same index. For example from the button click lambdas.
We understand that it might still look too complex for some of you and you would just expect to have something like rememberLazyListState(maintainScrollPositionByKey = false)
But we are not yet sure it is a scaleable enough API as there are many different context specific use cases, in some of them it is reasonable to stay on the same key, in others to stay on the same index, but in rare cases you might want to just end up on a completely different position after the data set change.
We will still monitor the feedback and are open to consider introducing more APIs to make common use cases simpler. <> #36
For the state restoration the lazy have hacks to not restore with paging for example when there's no items to avoid loosing the state, it wait for at least one item present.
With the side effect and no data yet restored it will try to scroll to an item that is not yet there so will fail, so will corrupt the state or crash or will have unpredictable effect.
This is something that needs to be taken in account.
Then there's the other API that was refused but can't find back the previous issue, it's proper control of that state restoration delay, since if you have an header and a paging source, the data is still restore too early and we need to do
val emptyState = remember(lazyPagingItems.itemCount) {
firstVisibleItemIndex = lazyGridState.firstVisibleItemIndex,
firstVisibleItemScrollOffset = lazyGridState.firstVisibleItemScrollOffset,
state = if (lazyPagingItems.itemCount == 0) emptyState else lazyGridState,
And now we need to mix both of those and hope there's no other things that will bite us.
Another question, is what happens when a fling is running and the content is changed, if currently this is properly handled and the fling keeps going, now it will behave differently.
Lazy stuff is complex enough with many quirks to handle already, adding something ultra invasive as this kind of forced scroll will be problematic at some moment and will be insanely hard to debug. <> #37
For the state restoration the lazy have hacks to not restore with paging for example when there's no items to avoid loosing the state, it wait for at least one item present. With the side effect and no data yet restored it will try to scroll to an item that is not yet there so will fail, so will corrupt the state or crash or will have unpredictable effect.
As I said, I expect the new requestScrollToItem() to not change this behavior. The scroll position will not be "corrupted" while we don't have any items, in the same way as it works right now. If it is not what you experience please file a separate bug. <> #38 <> #39
You need a compose foundation version of <> #40
I tried the solution in #35 but if there's a scroll in progress when list changes, scrolling abrubtly stops. <> #41
If you'd like, you can first check the LazyListState
for isScrollInProgress <> #42
That's what I ended up doing as a workaround. But now when list changes, LazyList tries to maintain scroll position if scroll is in progress. So it ends up scrolling to an unexpected position. It's very rare that this creates a problem, but I would still prefer a proper fix. <> #43
I've a LazyColumn with bidirectional pagination. The data is loading completely asynchronously and I don't know how many items I'll get with after a successful request.
I'm adding a ProgressIndicator in both directions while I've not reached the end (in any directions).
As I'm adding items forward the list will always auto-scroll to show the ProgressIndicator, as it has a unique key and is always the first item.
I've tried playing with requestScrollToItem() but I can't make it works properly, when inserting the data at index 0 (reverse layout) the lazyListState.firstVisibleItemIndex is always 0.
Could we have a simple api to Opt-out? even if it's not flexible, it'd help a lot...
Or if you have any idea how to manage this ProgressIndicator without messing the scrolling.
I had the same code with a RecyclerView and it was working like a charm.
When using a LazyList with keyed items the scroll position is maintained based on the key. It would be great if there would be a way to opt out from this behavior when using keyed items.
Use Case:
I want to be able to switch the first visible item without changing the scroll position.