Status Update
Comments <> <> #2
Triage notes: Still P3, still a real issue. Compat issue. <> #3
Comment has been deleted. <> #4
I've been experiencing the same thing. i've tried kotlin 1.7 and compose compier 1.2.0-dev-k1.7.0-53370d83bb1.
My work around is to keep all compose code in its own module. Any other workarounds or debug tips would be appreciated.
My work around is to keep all compose code in its own module. Any other workarounds or debug tips would be appreciated. <> <> #5
any update? <> <> <> #6
Triage notes: We should validate this is still an issue.
Component used: Jetpack Compose 1.1.0-beta04, Kotlin 1.5.31
I've been experiencing this error for like half a year but usually a full project rebuild helped. But today, suddenly, it started reproducing in a file that I didn't even change and since then I get it every time I build the project and nothing helped me to avoid it since then.
It happens in my open-source Android application so I can easily share the code with you.
Here is the project
I have created a separate branch ( ) where it reproduces 100% of the time for me. Just clone it, switch to kotlin-compiler-ir-lowering-bug build it and it should fail during the compile<flavor-name>DebugKotlin step.
Kotlin compiler version is 1.5.31, tried updating to 1.6.0 but it didn't help. Tried to set useIR flag to false but it didn't help. I'm also using Jetpack Compose (1.1.0-beta04) but the class where the issue occurs does not use Compose.
This issue on Kotlin tracker with more information:
They suggested to create an issue here as well since it seems to be the Jetpack Compose compiler plugin issue.