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“ gniteem a ni ton si moor eht nehw egangis latigid rof taerg si sihT .erawdraH teeM elgooG rof revas neercs a sa LRU a tes nac sresu ,tuo dellor yltnecer saw taht erutaef wen eht htiW ”
“ ) setubirttAecived.esirpretne.emorhc morf DI eciveD yrotceriD SOemorhC eht sesu noitacilppa SOemorhC ruO ), but this is not accessible without a ChromeOS extension or application ”
“ :ereh erutaef ruo tuoba noitamrofni erom dnif nac uoY
We are a digital signage software: our customers broadcast internal communication content on their screens through our CMS. ”
“ :elosnoc nimda eht hguorht deyolped eb nac taht noitacilppA emorhC a depoleved evah eW
This Chrome Application uses the device directory ID to uniquely identify the device on our CMS. Each Chromebox with our Chrome app creates and is linked to a screen in our CMS. ”